Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Dogbert’s Death Scam

A particularly good Dilbert this week:



This is why I don’t just follow Scott Adams’ blog. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º


PostHeaderIcon Best Float Ever

In an Iowa parade:


The young lady in the foreground is handing out water balloons, to throw at the prisoner in the Crooked Hillary mask. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Mystery Solved


The internet has certainly made politics more entertaining. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º


PostHeaderIcon Antique Phone Booth

Who knew phone booths still existed in Australia?


Looks like the whole town is antique. Notice the skeleton guarding the junk antiques in front of the store. The young guy must be a tourist. Apparently the town council is displeased with the mural of the antique politician. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Dilbert on Experience

One of the short and informative podcasts I regularly listen to while exercising, is the Weekly Standard. It interviews many of the writers for the magazine, on current political events. I have been frequently amused, by how spectacularly wrong their chief prognosticator Bill Kristol has consistently been over the past year, regarding Trump’s chances of continued success. One of his regular laments, has his been dismay over Trump’s Troubling Twitter Tweets.  🙂

Scott Adams, on the other hand, has spent much of the year analyzing Trump’s persuasion techniques, explaining technically why he is winning, and predicting that he will continue to do so.

With that in mind, don’t miss Scott’s blog post this morning: “Experience is Overrated.” I literally LOL at the Twitter exchange he had with Bill Kristol: Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Lock Her Up!

We won’t be seeing DNC Convention coverage like this on TV:

…there are several exquisite segments of this rather pissed off seasoned citizen. I also loved the guy who said the only Hillary supporters he has yet to encounter, Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Obama For Trump!

One can’t make this stuff up: “Why Obama’s half-brother says he’ll be voting for Donald Trump


President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump.

“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”

Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”

How can this be? Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Nice Ride

Mike Pence gets his new ride today:


Now, that is a class act. I wonder what they will raise Kaine in… 😀 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Kaine & Unable

I have to admit that I had never even heard of this guy:

…and this clip was the first time I ever saw him. So far, I am underwhelmed… Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Then Home Again, Home Again…

We are back in Texas, having survived FreedomFest 2016 in Las Vegas. The overall experience was good and the best of it was wonderful. The best of the best was a speech by Andrew Napolitano. His presentation alone was worth the price of admission. Next best was a speech by Yaron Brook. No surprise there as we have heard Dr. Brook before and he is always right on.

Senator Rand Paul made a good speech of the sort that would have made his presidential candidacy much more viable than the teenage-like attempts at smart-mouth behavior he exhibited in the GOP debates. Ex Governors and Libertarian candidates Johnson and Weld made several appearances. While I support and will vote for Gov. Johnson, he comes off as way too laid back to attract the kind of attention needed to get his ball really rolling. And, were there ever a year and a circumstance for getting said ball rolling, this is the time and the situation.

As for Las Vegas itself, it is the most unnecessary creation of mankind that one could imagine. It is hotter than the gates of Hell, everything is grossly overpriced and the main attraction is the opportunity to give your hard earned money away playing “games” that are not even interesting. On the positive side, there is a lot of booby watching available (which I thoroughly enjoy despite being too old to remember why).

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon The Shady Bunch

This is just too well done not to share:

Brilliant… Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Go Britain

So, the Brits have voted to exit the EU. Good for them. Rather than threaten them, the Obamanation should offer them membership in NAFTA, an obviously better fit for them than the EU, which is in a perpetual race with the UN to see which organization can most often fail to find its arse with both hands, sans blindfold.

Even better than NAFTA membership, how about an economic (not political) union of all the major English speaking countries in the world?

IMHO, it is past time for the British derivatives among us to stop apologizing for civilizing much of the world and to take our rightful place as a proud and worthy people.

Now, if we could just get Texas to start a secession movement in the US…

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Hillaryous Plot

Need a good laugh? Read this:

Activists plot ‘world’s largest fart-in’ during Hillary’s DNC speech


I can’t wait to see how the media chooses to cover the occasion! 😀 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Dilbert is Persuasive

It is becoming increasingly obvious why Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, regularly garners several thousand comments to each of his blog posts. Here is another brilliant one, posted only a few hours ago, which has already passed a thousand. Yet, it is Sunday, when his presumptive office worker fans, are not goofing off in their cubicles.

How to Un-Hypnotize a Rabid Anti-Trumper

Regular readers of this blog know I’m a trained hypnotist. I’ve been studying the ways of persuasion – in all its forms – for decades.

My background in persuasion is the reason I recognized last summer that Trump would exceed most people’s expectations. He was pitch-perfect on persuasion technique. If you don’t study persuasion, Trump’s actions appear random and even dangerous. If you do know how persuasion works, you probably realize Trump is in a league of his own.

You think I’m overstating the case for persuasion. Perhaps you think Trump is doing well for a variety of reasons that include his accurate reading of the Republican base.

But Trump’s accurate reading of the Republican base is part of the art of persuasion. None of what you see in Trump’s election success so far is luck or coincidence. It is technique. If you’re not trained to see it, the method is invisible.

For example, I have already used several persuasion techniques in the paragraphs above. If I were to see another writer use these same persuasion methods on me, I would recognize them. But most of you did not recognize the methods – at least not all of them – when I used them right in front of you.

Persuasion hides in plain sight.

Just for fun, I’ve un-hypnotized several rabid anti-Trumpers lately. It takes less than ten minutes, requires nothing but conversation, and you can probably pull it off just by reading how I did it. Here’s how…

You don’t want to miss it. Whatever one’s opinion of Trump, most serious thinkers should agree that his suggestions are provocative, and very persuasive. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon This is Classic

I don’t often share emails; but this one was classic:


I had never heard of a yellow-legged frog; but a quick search confirms that it does in fact exist, and is so rare that it is now on the endangers species list! Anyway, the property owner’s response Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Flag Day



I always remember Flag Day, because 50 years ago today, I was discharged from the US Army. Now, of course, it is also Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Dilbert’s Endorsement

I told you this guy was an astute thinker. He is also a pragmatic one: My Endorsement for POTUS:

I’ve decided to come off the sidelines and endorse a candidate for President of the United States.

I’ll start by reminding readers that my politics don’t align with any of the candidates. My interest in the race has been limited to Trump’s extraordinary persuasion skills. But lately Hillary Clinton has moved into the persuasion game – and away from boring facts and policies – with great success. Let’s talk about that.

He then explains why Hillary’s new fear based attack on Trump may actually start a race war, which he wants no part of. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon WTF: Jones Too?

Is this just a spoof of Beck, or is this fool serious? I just don’t get it. This is not my image of Alex Jones:

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Can there actually be two conspiracy-minded, talk show host, religious nuts, who like to cry on camera?  Please, God, deliver us from your evil preachers! Sheesh… â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Trump vs Bernie

I had never even heard of this program or its host, when I stumbled across this video; but these two guys are so good:

…and hilarious, that I couldn’t stop watching it! They sure have the voices and mannerisms down pat. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Cruz 101

Without comment:


…because none is necessary… well, I did rather like the point that Cruz is so unlikable that even God won’t speak directly to him. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º

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