Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category
Assassination Politics
Note that I have started a fresh thread for this topic since we are evidently going to continue debating what I consider a frivolous topic. But I must do something to attempt to keep my aging brain alive and this is as good as any I suppose.
Let me begin by illustrating what I consider one fatal flaw in Jim/Bill’s reasoning using a direct quote from the essay (emphasis added by me):
Imagine for a moment that as ordinary citizens were watching the evening news, they see an act by a government employee or officeholder that they feel violates their rights, abuses the public’s trust, or misuses the powers that they feel should be limited…
First, if “they†are watching the evening news, there is an almost certain probability that “they†are being misled to some extent.
Second, feeling is the result of an emotional reaction, not a deliberate intellectual review of the facts, including attempts to verify said facts from multiple sources.
This hardly constitutes the basis of a death sentence.
Now, focus on this very moment in time – a number of Americans who watch the evening news, feel that President Trump is separating Hispanic children from their (possible) parents, presumably because hes does not like children/Hispanics/people in general, and is keeping them in dog kennel like cages. Never mind that the supporting photos of children in kennels were taken during the Obama administration.
Would it not then follow that, given your AP proposal, Trump along with a number of Border Patrol personnel should be assassinated? What other conclusion could one arrive at? Yet, those who bother to examine the situation intellectually realize that Trump is merely enforcing laws duly passed by Congress and also enforced by previous administrations. Yes, perhaps Trump has added a degree of added vigor to the enforcement in an attempt to get the Congress off their collective butts and do something for a change.
IMHO, in the situation under consideration, it is the Congress that richly deserves every bit of the blame for a sorry situation that has persisted for years – yet feelings prompted by distortions on the evening news lead to quite a different conclusion.
You go on to talk about the utility of killing various despots, past and present, rather than engage in war with the nations they seem to control. Do you really believe that a few evil people can control a nation of millions without some level of consent from those millions, even though that consent may be passive or fear driven? If the only way to escape the yoke of a tyrant is by assassinating said tyrant, then, by definition, the United States could never have happened. But it did happen. And the Constitutional system of government bequeathed to us by our founders transformed a rag-tag collection of ex-colonies into the most free, most prosperous and most powerful nation in human history in the historic blink of an eye. Why not simply revert to the system they gave us before we became too spoiled to maintain it?
Can you not see why such your AP proposal alarms me​?
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Lion vs Mouse
This exceedingly unequal contest is epic:
Rather good-naturedly, an articulate thinker utterly destroys a femanazi with a serious hearing disability. She spends half the debate experiencing cognitive dissonance. One almost feels compassion for the mental midget the professor is shamelessly toying with. If you are unfamiliar with Jordan Peterson, he is well worth checking out. ◄Dave►
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Say, what exactly is this Catholic priest doing to that child?
Don’t sane people tend to kiss a child somewhere about the head? Are they all pedophiles? 😯 â—„Daveâ–º
Halloween Costume
If you are not yet following Scott Adams’ blog, you should be:
How to Make a Little Rocket Man Costume for Halloween
Step 1:Â Get yourself one of these hats.
Step 2:Â Spray-paint the tips with black paint.
Step 3:Â Buy a pant suit wherever-the-hell Hillary Clinton shops.
Step 4:Â Smile like you just smoked a doobie and executed a close relative.
Step 5:Â Nailed it!
Wow… I was able to copy and paste Scott’s entire post, pictures and all, over here in one simple operation! WordPress is getting effortless to use! 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
True Talent
How about a remarkable diversion from politics and mayhem?
I always thought I had been born too late, and had missed out on the pleasures of the simpler life of our ancestors. It now occurs to me that the opposite may be true:
Just imagine what it must be like to be a modern Croatian teenager, watching such talent shows on his TV, rather than “Leave it to Beaver.” BTW… the older guy they keep showing cheering with his thumbs up, is her father. The world has truly changed in our lifetimes, and not always for the worse… no? 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
I think I May Take A Vomit
It is bad enough that the functionally illiterate lame-stream-media folk are helping to destroy our culture. Now, they seem to be leading the charge to destroy our language as well.
Every time I turn on the idiot box, I hear that NFL players are “taking a knee†during the playing of our anthem. What knee are they taking and where is it being taken to? Oh yes, it turns out that said players are actually “kneelingâ€, perhaps even “genuflectingâ€. Why not just say that?
Then, a few weeks ago I heard repeated reports that people close to Trump had “taken meetings†with various Russians. Where did they take these meeting to? Well, it turn out that they were actually “attending†meetings. Again, why not just say that?
Could it be that, during these “taken†meetings they were also having dialogue with other participants? No, they were simply “talking†to each other and/or “having discussionsâ€.
I have often heard that English is a complicated language… no doubt this is somewhat true since the language has picked up so many words and phrases from other languages over the years as it has emerged as the world’s preeminent language. So, why further complicate it by misusing words, using nouns for verbs and other such nonsense? Do the L-S-M folk think they are being cute or are they trying deliberately to make their crap harder to comprehend? Can you even imagine how much harder this is on people for whom English is not their first language?
To paraphrase a late master of the language, Winston Churchill, “with this, I am finding it hard to put upâ€.
Of all people, should not those who charge themselves with informing the rest of us not work hard to be correct and precise? Or is this just another bit of evidence that everything that was once great about us is headed to hell in a hand-basket.
Put another way, would we be impressed if surgeons, engineers and scientists deliberately pursued their respective crafts with such sloppiness?
Think about it because it actually does matter.
Troy L Robinson
West Wing Woo-Woo
Oh, good grief! I have been immensely entertained by all of the palace intrigue of late, and had been looking forward to more shenanigans as Trump moves to repopulate the White House with only loyal members of the “Let Trump be Trump” club…
** Whoa! See what I mean? Right in the middle of writing this, my Apple Watch just tapped me on the wrist to alert me that Kelly just took out Scaramucci! I can’t wait to get the buzz on that one! **
…but back to the woo-woo. This is all great fun; but a red headline on Drudge this morning had already spoiled my day:
Spiritual Awakening Underway at White House; Bible Studies Taking Place…
WASHINGTON – A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.
Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God’s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.
They’ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don’t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.
Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, “These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.”
They’re all hand-picked by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
“I don’t think Donald Trump has figured out that he chained himself to the Apostle Paul,” Drollinger laughed.
That may amuse the Piously Correct Rev. Drollinger; but it strikes me as far more dangerous than the Mooch’s revelations about Priebus’ mental state, or Bannon’s yoga feats. 😉
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy Devos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.
“It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life. They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned,” Drollinger said.
It’s groundbreaking since he doesn’t think a formal Bible study among executive Cabinet members has been done in at least 100 years.
America’s top cop, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also attends the study.
If these politicians need a guru, I recommend George Carlin:
…he had this BS figured out long ago. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
Utterly Absurd
Funny? Extremely. Disrespectful? Perhaps. Racist? Absurd. 😆 â—„Daveâ–º
LOL !!!
This perfectly encapsulates what currently passes as enlightened political thought in this terminally insane society. 🙄 â—„Daveâ–º
Shut Up & Entertain
It is hard to believe that it has been 13 years since Laura Ingrahamm penned her best seller, “Shut Up & Sing” after the Dixie Chick flap. That was what came immediately to mind when the following “Letter to Hollywood” popped into my inbox this morning:
Dear Hollywood,
It’s time to wake up now. Get this! The only reason you exist is for my entertainment.
Some of you are beautiful. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you are so convincing that you scare the crap out of me. And others are so funny you can make me laugh uncontrollably.
But you all have one thing in common. You only exist and have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it. Nothing else!
You make your living pretending to be someone else. You play dress-up like a 5-year-old. Your world is a make believe world. It is not real. It doesn’t exist. You live for the camera while the rest of us live in the real world. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I crank the organ and you dance. Therefore, I don’t care where you stand on issues.
The organ grinder metaphor was priceless! 😉 Read the rest of this entry »
The Magical Megyn Move
Megyn Kelly moving from Fox News to NBC would seem like nothing more than a greedy talking head seeking more money until you look at the almost magical mathematics behind the move. Just imagine — moving a single person from one organization to another actually doubled the average IQ of BOTH organizations at the same time. No mean feat that!
Hillary Wants War
This already has 2 million views; but it could always use a few more:
It is an absolute riot; but it is also spot on, devastating, thought-provoking, and rather persuasive. Especially for those uninterested in starting WWIII, and filling memorial graveyards with female draftees. Read the rest of this entry »
Take a Break
I heard this one years ago:
…but it is just as funny now as it was back then. Enjoy. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
Wikileaks vs Octopussy
As usual, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams’ blog this morning was persuasive: “Lie Detection and Scandals”
When Clinton’s surrogates respond to questions about Wikileaks by saying the Russians are behind it, that’s an acknowledgment of guilt. Guilty people almost always question the source of the information first. Innocent people start with a clear denial, or sometimes confusion as to why the question is being asked.
He then makes a persuasive case for how and why Clinton’s apologists believe the Wikileaks are true. Later, he also suggests that they aren’t making much difference:
The Wikileaks emails are not having a huge impact because movies and books have taught us that even our most-respected politicians do favor-trading to get things done. And the emails that DO NOT come from Clinton are little more than underlings chattering. So far, Wikileaks is a big nothing.
I tend to agree with his analysis here; but the far more interesting critique comes when it is Trump’s turn: Read the rest of this entry »
Bimbo Revenge
Whatever one may think of Trump, we owe him a debt of gratitude for today’s Drudge headline:
I had to research the term ‘face crack,’ and still am unclear precisely what Matt intended by it; but the Urban Dictionary Read the rest of this entry »
Cheating While Lying
Or, was it lying while cheating? It seems that the NYPD caught her wearing what they think is a stealth miniature communication device, during the so-called CinC debate last night.
Of course, it might have just been another undisclosed medical infirmity, which requires her to wear a hearing aid. Granny is obviously rapidly decomposing before our eyes.
Best comment of the day: Read the rest of this entry »
Collecting Cow Farts
Here in California, our dairy cows continue to fail our strict emissions tests, so the legislature is doing something about it.
No, unfortunately this latest episode of AGW insanity is not a joke. AP is reporting: Read the rest of this entry »
Clinton Backs Trump
…or least his position on illegal immigration:
What a difference 20 years can make. This would make a great Trump commercial. Just run it without comment, other than the obligatory, “I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message” at the end. 😀 Read the rest of this entry »