PostHeaderIcon Will There Be An Inauguration?

To my knowledge, the last time our Republic was this screwed up was when Abraham Lincoln had to sneak into Washington D.C. for his first inaugural. We all know what started soon after.

It is interesting to note that the protagonists were them same then – a bunch of Democrats who could not accept the election of a Republican president. As the French say, “the more things change, the more they are the same”.

Then we have that citadel of responsibility, CNN, explaining to the kooks that, if they can kill sufficient government officials before Pence takes the official oath, an Obama cabinet member (the “designated survivor” – name currently unknown) will become POTUS. Whether legally true or not, this must be a great motivator to the “never Trump” movement. The only good side to this nonsense is that the people who must be killed for it to happen include Obama, Biden and the rest of the Obama cabinet minus the DS. Trump and his “cabinet”, having not yet been sworn in, evidently can be allowed to live although it is hard to imagine an event that would eliminate Obama’s cadre without taking Trump’s along with it since they will in such close proximity.

Never in my life did I expect to be discussing such a thing except as the script for a B grade TV show.

In my analysis, no nation where a significant minority outright reject and defy their government can long remain peaceful and free.

Whatever happens Friday, I sincerely expect Mike Pence will become POTUS before the end of 2017, assuming the Republic survives that long.

As I look around this otherwise free and prosperous Republic, I see nothing that justifies national suicide. The the contrary, IMHO, if we would all apply ourselves to something productive, most of our woes would dissipate like an early-morning fog.

I suppose our Republic has become the macrocosm of the overly pampered spoiled rich brat who tosses away every advantage in a headlong rush into self destruction.

Think about it.

Troy L Robinson

10 Responses to “Will There Be An Inauguration?”

  • I suppose our Republic has become the macrocosm of the overly pampered spoiled rich brat who tosses away every advantage in a headlong rush into self destruction.

    I sort of look at them Troy as dumbed-down twits who could not pass any test from grade school early 1900’s. I have a saying for them … I wish I could buy them for their worth and sell them for WHAT THEY THINK THEY ARE WORTH. LOL

  • Who cares? Whatever happens tomorrow, it would be insane to allow the Incumbrepublocrat oligarchy to drag us into a civil war, over which politician ends up on their throne. Just ponder the very notion of killing your neighbor, because he preferred a different ruler to the one to whom you would prefer to kowtow…

    Whatever happened to the quest for Liberty? Why can’t sheeple see that their desire to regulate the behavior of their neighbors ‘for the good of society,’ enslaves them in a hopeless herd mentality? Why can’t sheeple see that in politics, the oligarchs have convinced everyone that they are playing defense against their unreasonable neighbors, rather than the powers that be?

    In my analysis, no nation where a significant minority outright reject and defy their government can long remain peaceful and free.

    Check your premise, Troy.’ Government’ and ‘free’ are mutually exclusive terms. So is ‘government’ and ‘peaceful,’ unless one considers universal obsequious servitude, under the fear of coercion, to represent an acceptable state of tranquility.

    … if we would all apply ourselves to something productive, most of our woes would dissipate like an early-morning fog.

    It wouldn’t even need to be productive, just as long as it wasn’t political activism. I could care less what others do with their lives, as long as they are not trying to interfere in my own life. As a lover of Liberty, I am quite prepared to allow others to also be free, to choose their own nonaggressive lifestyles.

    However, ANY political endeavor to empower government to regulate my life in any way, is an egregious act of aggression towards me. This includes voting, the very premise of which is to choose rulers who will enforce the rules one prefers to live by, over others who would prefer different rules, or no rules.

    Call me contumacious; but I too “outright reject and defy [any] government.” Others’ rules just don’t apply to laissez-faire anarchists like me. Sorry; but once fully awake and aware, one cannot unswallow the red pill… 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Chris says:

    Indeed Dave. “Who cares”. In the grand scheme what does it matter. Dave you have heard me speak of my lovely Toni. She was a big Trump supporter. I can’t tell you how happy she was when he won the election. We were going to have our own little private inauguration party. Tuesday morning she suffered a heart attack. Last night she took her place with God/ in the cosmos/ in the vast nothingness (insert your own personal preference). I now have a clear eyed view of how foolish it all is. Inauguration? Who cares indeed.

    • OMG… Chris! I am so sorry to hear about Toni! I am totally shocked… it simply does not compute. Somehow I had the impression that she was younger and certainly hardier/healthier than you. Were you even aware that she was at risk for cardiac problems? I feel helpless to offer you any comfort in your time of distress; but please know that I understand how much Toni meant to you, my friend, and that I truly care. May she RIP… 😥 â—„Daveâ–º

      • Chris says:

        No Dave. It was a complete surprise. Yes she was a few years younger than me but not heartier. She was plagued by different nuisance health problems. Heart wasn’t on the radar probably due to other things masking the signs. It was a total shock. Thank you for your kind words my friend. Toni was aware of you as I spoke of you often to her on different points of our own discussions.

    • Oh Chris I am so sorry for your loss!

    • Troy says:

      I can’t imagine what you must be going through. It makes our comments here seem as truly trivial as they really are.

      If I knew a word or phrase that would make it better, be assured I would say it now.


  • Troy says:

    The answer, of course, is YES — for all the difference it makes.


    • Yes, it did, and I was having a surprisingly enjoyable day, until I read Chris’ distressing news. I particularly enjoyed Trump’s Jacksonian Inaugural Address, and the obvious discomfort it must have been to all the Incumbrepublocrats arrayed behind him. It was as if a 3rd Party candidate had won the election. I reckon that is basically what happened. It should be interesting to observe how he continues to manipulate the fools. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Chris says:

    Thank you as well for the kind words Troy and CT. I was 15 years blessed. I suppose that’s all a cranky old bum like me deserves anyway. I’m sure once the fog occupying my brain right now clears I will be able to watch what is sure to be times that are if not transformational at the very least amusing.

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