PostHeaderIcon The Myth Of A “Popular Vote”

The progressives learned long ago that any lie, no matter how egregious, can take on a patina of truth if – it is repeated long enough and often enough.

How many times have you heard, since the election, that Hillary “won the popular vote”?

What popular vote? There simply is no such thing. Yet, the progressive media continue to chant about it election after election. Why? Because they want to get rid of the Constitutional rule that the States elect the president and set up some form of national election.

Let me digress for a moment. What did Hillary actually win? Simple. She won the excess vote in several very large liberal states such as New York and California. What do I mean by “excess vote”. Simple again. The excess vote in any state is the number of votes in excess of the number required to win that states electoral vote.

What the crooked pundits fail to report to WTS is that, when the States established the federal government, by virtue of ratifying the Constitution, they delegated several of their inherent powers to said federal government in the name of a common defense and free trade between the States (among other things). One of the powers the States did not delegate to the federal government is the power to conduct elections. Ergo, there is no federal (or national) vote in these United States. That being the case, there can therefore be no national “popular vote”. End of statement. It is simply not possible without amending our Constitution.

Woe is us say the crooked pundits. This means we are not really a true democracy. How about that?? The Founders shunned the idea of a true democracy opting for a constitutional republic instead. Indeed, several of the founders compared true democracy to mob rule.

So, the fact that Hillary lost the election despite of winning the excess vote in a few ultra-liberal states proves only that our Constitution is working as intended by its creators.

Suppose there were really a national election and the winner is the candidate garnering the national “popular vote”… what would this mean for the Republic? It would mean that a very few large states would determine every presidential election and the numerous smaller states could choose either to accept the result or go to the devil.

Is this really what a majority of WTS really want? The United States of California, New York and Illinois plus the 47 dwarfs?

If Trump can accomplish nothing else, please let him restore real education in our schools – primary, secondary and college. With real education, WTS would be far less prone to be taken in by such BS as we are witnessing now.

I will leave the spectacle of a bunch of mislead brats on our university campuses rioting for the downfall of the nation that nurtures them for another rant.

Think about it.

Troy L Robinson

28 Responses to “The Myth Of A “Popular Vote””

  • Chris says:

    Your spot on Troy, and your assertion that there is no such thing as a national popular vote is something I hadn’t considered. I have always known it was meaningless. Ask Al Gore. Their rant is nothing new.Indeed the federal government has no business in anything regarding elections. The total votes of all the “sovereign states” (trying to keep a straight face) is a useless number. In fact I’ll go so far as to say no federal court has any business meddling in any states elections.

  • I certainly concur with your lament that America’s woefully undereducated sheeple do not understand the nature and purpose of the Electoral College, Troy. You have correctly identified the government’s indoctrination facilities, euphemistically called ‘Public Schools,” as the underlying source of their ignorance. Yet, it is unrealistic to expect Trump, or anyone else, to ever have any success at changing them. After over a century of deliberately retarding subsequent generations of students, those now in charge of them are themselves retarded beyond salvation. They are incapable of reform, because they truly believe the altruistic BS they have been taught to peddle. Asking them to stop screwing up the minds of children, is akin to asking a bible thumper to stop lying to them in Sunday School, and would be no more effective.

    A far more useful strategy, would be for Trump to eliminate the DOE entirely, and continue to encourage the efforts of Leftist separatists, to follow California’s lead in pursuing secession. If they could take New York, Illinois, et al, with them, there wouldn’t be enough ghetto-class voters left in the heartland, to ever prevail again. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Chris says:

    “to follow California’s lead in pursuing secession. If they could take New York, Illinois, et al, with them”
    Nice thought but once they figured out how much of the federal debt they would take with them that deal would never fly. They would have to pay their own bills.

    • I am not so sure debt would even occur to them, Chris. They have been borrowing or printing and spending money they don’t have for so long, I suspect that they would think they could just keep doing so forever. There isn’t a prayer of ever getting future generations to settle the debt in any case, no matter which side of the border of the Divided States of America they might reside on. Besides their abject terror of Trump, freedom from constraint by fiscal conservatives, would probably also be a powerful motivator for secession, to these economic imbeciles. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Speaking of fear of, or disdain for Trump, have you skeptics seen this discussion of the number of Objectivists he is hiring? There are more interesting links within it, if objectivism interests you. I have to admit that I have been pretty impressed with many of his choices, once I dug into their resumes. I find his SOS choice particularly inspired, if not brilliant. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

    • Chris says:

      His SOS pick to me was as surprising as his HUD pick. I’m keeping an open mind on both mostly because they are both an unorthodox pick. May be just what’s needed. I’m going to make one prediction going forward with this SOS. The war in Syria is over within months. Assad retains power and Russia remains the major supplier of European oil needs. Libya will also calm down within a year and will be back up to Russian supplies. Nothing left but OPEC tears as the US re fires shale drilling with $50 a barrel oil.

    • Chris says:

      BTW I saw that Condi Rice came out in strong support of his SOS pick. That gives me hope.

  • …both an unorthodox pick…

    Unorthodox is delicious, Chris! I am loving it. Here is another great read:

    Op-Ed: Trump’s Cabinet picks like an ‘invasion force’ coming to destroy Washington as we know it


    Christmas is being postponed to Jan 20th. Trump is likely to be the gift that just keeps on giving… 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Here’s one I found interesting as well.

    Wow! So do I, Chris. So much so that I bookmarked the site and the author’s page, in hopes of reading his promised future essays. If you have not read his earlier essay, describing his adventures as a Trump supporting professor at SUNY Potsdam, I highly recommend it. Here is a profound passage worth memorializing, to entice you to read the whole thing:

    Perhaps I am wrong about my analysis. Perhaps I am wrong about my facts. Perhaps I am wrong about a great many things. All I ask is that the people who think that I secretly have some sort of bias or hatred for them based on their skin-tone or ethnic heritage demonstrate that and argue against me. If they cannot demonstrate it, I ask that they take up the case that I am wrong and engage with me in conversation to show me that I am wrong. If they cannot do that, I ask that the administration not encourage them to think of themselves as academics who are so threatened by differing political beliefs that they require protection from the authorities. This is not a way to educate people, and it makes you suspect to the charge that you are doing it for the sake of the political agenda outlined above. This is not a way to prepare people for the work-force. It is not a way to help them learn to have conversations and debate topics which are important to them. It is a way to keep them childish. I cannot see why taxpayer money should go to a project designed to keep people juvenile in the name of education.

    Before I close this essay, I wish to offer a word of instruction, and one of encouragement to the young women who behaved so nastily towards me. I want to talk about the dialectic. Why it is important, and why you are not educated at all if you do not understand its role and how that role functions in helping us to come to truth.

    My days are filled with the one activity I love more than any other on earth. They are filled with conversations I have with people who think differently than I do. Intelligent people around the country, even the world, who I have met call me up regularly to discuss all sorts of interesting topics, from metaethical questions, to the nature and existence of god, to the origins of the big bang, to politics and American culture. I spend almost none of my time talking with people who agree with me. My best friends are people who disagree with me strongly on topics of deep emotional significance and profound effect on how one sees the world.

    In any case, there is nothing academic or intellectual about crying foul when someone disagrees with you. Even if there is a political, administrative, or bureaucratic element to the school you attend which would encourage you to feel otherwise. You are responsible, ultimately, for your souls, and for the development of your minds. Surrounding yourself with people who agree with you and demonizing anyone who dares to disagree with you is not healthy, and I am engaging with you now because I respect your ability to rise above such pettiness. I harbor no ill-will against you because of the nasty behaviors of yours in seeking punish me with administrative consequences for the audacity of disagreeing with you. A simple apology from you would yield a handshake, a smile, (and a hug, if you want one), from me. And then we can continue to have our conversations. I imagine that if the atmosphere is one of serious academics pursuing the truth through conversation with those who can argue against us; instead of the nastiness of wanting people to agree with you or shut up; that our future talks will be as pleasant for you as our past ones were for me. The animosity you seem to have felt was wholly on your side. I have never disliked you even through your actions (which I have accurately described as nasty). I imagine this must have been the first time you were met with someone who dared to disagree with you, and that accounts for why you acted so childishly. You will find that many people will disagree with you over many things in the future. This is true even if you choose to surround yourself with people who agree with you and who share your poisoned view of the world. You will do better in those situations if you learn to engage with people here, while you are at school.

    I never said anything to you which showed that I did not respect you, your feelings, or your right to have your ideas. In fact, I did the very opposite. I gave respect to you and your ideas by asking you to defend them. If you are incapable of appreciating this fact, perhaps school is not the place for you. I believe that you are better than that. You were raised in the disgustingly inadequate schooling environment of the modern United States; but no one on earth is born knowing these lessons, we all must learn them at some time.

    To sum up, conversation is respect. Disagreement is desirable and should be sought out. These things are not the cause of needing to seek protection, they are why serious students come to school. They are why I seek people out who might disagree with me. That is how one gets an education. For your sake, I hope you do not waste your time at university only seeking a worthless piece of paper, and instead that a thirst for peaceful and pleasant disagreement with those who respect you enough to take your ideas seriously enough to argue with them will be yours. I encourage you not to listen to the possibly well meaning professors and administrative types who would encourage you to think that being weak and incapable of hearing views which disagree with yours means you are well-educated. They are exactly wrong about this. It is the opposite. They see you as children who need protection from ideas, not as adults who will make a difference in the world. Run from them and engage in conversation with me. I will be waiting.

    Again, wow! Those silly kids have no idea what they are missing out on, by not taking maximum advantage of the opportunity for exposure to professor Marotta’s mind and mindset. Such a pity… 😥 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Chris says:

    There are actual educators out there. They just seem to get drowned out by the echo chamber. One good thing is his location. Even in liberal NY as well as being in the state education system only the heartiest of students attend Pottsdam. In the past you have expressed familiarity with upstate NY. The NYC snowflakes are far and few between up there. It’s an upstate college where only the heartiest thrive and are even willing to endure. My guess is right now the lake effect snow has reached about the five foot mark.

    I haven’t had time to do any back reading of professor Marotta. I’ll have to make it a point now. LOL As I sit here looking at the thermometer out the window reading 11 degrees with the second snow storm under my belt and no sign of melting I’m almost as busy as they are in Pottsdam. Send me some sequestered cow farts. I could use it for heat. (sorry I just can’t get past that.) Stay warm…… Oh wait. Never mind.

    • So the ‘native-American’ snowflakes he got crosswise with at SUNY, are neck deep in companions! 😀

      Yes, Chris, this dastardly AGW-spawned Arctic Vortex, has chilled us here in CA too. It is only 54° outside right now (0430), and only expected to reach a high of 62° today. The good news though, is that there are flash flood warnings posted for an incoming storm.


      We can use all the tropical rain we can get. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

      • For the love of Zeus! I just got up and it is 40° outside right now! The rain was great; but there are frost and even hard freeze warnings posted for the next couple of days! If it were to try to rain now, I might be accosted by snowflakes. Where is Al Gore when the palm trees need him? The only reason I put up with living in Mexifornia, is to avoid unpleasant weather. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

        • Troy Robinson says:

          65 degrees here right now. 19 degrees predicted for overnight (although the lake keeps us a couple of degrees warmer most times).

          Texas is turning blue in more ways than one.


        • Chris says:

          Oh for pete sake. It was zero here Friday morning and the snow flurries piled up 8 inches yesterday. I had to break out my winter T shirt. (that’s the one without holes in it.) Global warming is kicking in though. It’s gonna be near 40 today. Gonna take the convertible down to put up Big Johns Christmas tree.

          • Troy Robinson says:

            Finally got to the mid-70s yesterday. About 4PM the front blew in and by 2AM it was 18 (despite the lake). Sorry but a near 60 degree drop in just a few hours is hell on people, plants and livestock.


  • Troy says:

    Spent the last 2 days in the Peoples Republic of Austin which meant several hours in the car during which we listened a lot to Fox News.

    Seems the latest bright idea of the progressive idiots is to convince GOP pledged electors to vote for HRC instead.

    Stop a moment an imagine what would happen next if such were to actually happen… rioting to revolution. Can these idiots actually prefer total ruin to a simple loss at the voting booth?

    Trump was certainly not my pick but I’m damned if I think the Republic should be destroyed because I did not get my way.

    Such as this convinces me that the Republic is lost and no amount of voting can restore it.

    Come on Texas, let’s exit this crap!


    • Chris says:

      Luckilly that’s going to happen as quick as Trump getting dumped at the GOP convention, and that was a much more plausible idea.

    • we listened a lot to Fox News

      Your first mistake. Idiocy carries on, whether we pay attention to it or not. Blessed are the clueless sheeple, who are unaffected by bad news, of which they remain blissfully unaware. 😉

      rioting to revolution

      These are utterly inevitable at some point in the future, Troy, as long as we support the notion that how we are allowed to live our own lives, depends on who voters thousands of miles away choose to follow as a leader. We must face that at this rate, revolution might not wait until after we have departed the scene. 😥

      the Republic is lost and no amount of voting can restore it

      Welcome to my paradigm. How long have I been saying exactly that?

      Come on Texas, let’s exit this crap!

      It is probably too late for Texit to be a viable strategy. I just saw an article somewhere, saying that a majority of the Muslim ‘refugees’ being imported, are being settled in Texas. The demographic trends suggest that Hurricane Katrina refugees, Mexicans, and now Muslims will outnumber native Texans within a generation. Of course, your public schools are busy making good little Progressives, out of all their abundant children.

      Seceding from the Union; but retaining the notion of democratic government, would probably ultimately be a waste of time. At least we won’t live to witness our posterity, all down on their prayer rugs five times a day, praying to Allah – in Mexican. 😈 â—„Daveâ–º

      • Chris says:

        That’s why I laugh out loud at the thought of California leaving. How long do they think it would be before they were a state in Mexico and we had to add another 1000 miles of wall? Oh and when the Mexicans do come? Your on your own moonbeams.

        • Build your wall if you must; but we welcome lots of Mexican peasants here. Truth is we need them. Who would mow my lawn? Or wash my truck? Or cook my dinner in the restaurants? Or drive the garbage trucks? Or collect and process the dairy cow farts? Or pick the strawberries? There are way too many jobs the native moonbeams hereabouts just won’t do. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

          • Just imagine how quickly a snowflake would melt in 110 degrees putting on a new cement roof here in the valley.

            Can we all spell nano-second?

            People either do not know or forget over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts are grown in California.

            Snowflakes, moonbeams or blacks ARE NOT producing or picking any of these products.

            Actually if I were in charge not one kid would leave school without a 2 year summer stint in the military AND picking fruit or cotton before finishing high school.

            That certainly gives one perspective on being job upwardly mobile. 😉

        • Chris says:

          Opportunities lost. Particularly the cutting grass. I know two guys who do darn near nothing but cut grass and clear snow. Both have six figure incomes. Were I a younger man I’d be getting in on cutting grass. They say they can’t keep up with demand.

          When someone says “jobs Americans don’t want to do” what they are really saying is jobs that they don’t want to do for what I’m willing to pay. For enough money I’ll fly the 3000 miles to cut your grass. It just won’t be cheap. 🙂

          • I said moonbeams, not Americans. As you suggest, there are no jobs a good many enterprising Americans won’t do, if it pays well enough. Still, public schools have convinced the modern snowflakes that they need a college degree, to succeed in America. Once they acquire one, even in a useless discipline, they think they should be paid much more than they are worth, just for showing up for a cushy desk job in an air-conditioned office, where they won’t get their hands dirty. It is a pity the way we are crippling the minds of our posterity. 🙁 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Chris says:

    Hmmmmm. You never know what your going to find on CNBC these days.

    That and a Dow flirting with 20,000. 😀

    • OK as far as it went, I guess; but it left me wanting more clarification. For a business site, why the emphasis on the atheism and selfishness components of her philosophy? â—„Daveâ–º

      • Chris says:

        why the emphasis on the atheism and selfishness components of her philosophy?

        Well it is NBC. The article was more of a blurb than an article when compared against the actual wealth of material actually available on the subject. My surprise was even finding the subject at all and identifying it as an actual “thing”. To those at NBC Rand’s philosophy must seem like the fringe of the fringe. I think it was an attempt to tie Trump to an ideology that is far outside the main stream. The atheist angle is to bolster the fringe angle and invoke a sense that he is somehow uncaring for his fellow man. It’s only a start. Like I said earlier CNBC has to be more careful on their approach to things. They can’t just yell “racist” and have their audience applaud. “Racist” doesn’t fit on a chart of moving averages.

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