PostHeaderIcon Is Anything Real?

I just stumbled across this:

…which I had never encountered before. Needless to say, I was shocked and somewhat skeptical at first; but I had already been persuaded that Dr. Ted Noel is credible. When I noticed the date of publication, it surprised me that it wasn’t new, so I finally went to visit his website to see what else I might have missed. It is actually a rather interesting site, and on the “Who are We” page, I found this paragraph:

The video analysis in the “NBC Lied” video was originally done by a professional video editor who had to do a frame-by-frame videoconference with me before I would believe it. Since then, at least three other professional videographers have concurred with his opinion. He prepared the analysis video that I used.

It was encouraging to find him initially skeptical as well. In any case, this pretty much rips it for me, when it comes to giving NBC the slightest benefit of the doubt in the future. Their fulsome record for doctoring the news, has finally surpassed the utter disdain I have had for CBS, since the Dan Rather memo-gate fiasco of ’04. In other words – zero credibility. 🙁 â—„Daveâ–º

5 Responses to “Is Anything Real?”

  • Good grief… this ‘unreal‘ title would equally apply to another entirely unrelated article I just read: “Zika: Brazil Admits It’s Not the Virus

    We are constantly advised not to put too much credence in unverified information found on the internet. What about putting too much faith in the reporting of the MSM? I fail to see the difference. 🙁 â—„Daveâ–º

  • I have been watching Ted Noel’s video now for a while.
    He is one of those on the internet I tend to trust. As for the MSM I trust NOTHING without seeing it myself … then I am skeptical.

    Perhaps that old teaching from wayyy back is kicking in.
    “Believe nothing that you read and only half of what you see.” With the technology that we have today it is looking like the “none of what you see” now applies.

    My dabbling in Photoshop for 20 years always has me keeping an eye on doctored shots. That is why the long form Obama birth-certificate was so plausible. If you work in Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel etc. you knew exactly what they were talking about when they uncovered the layers in that document.

    One would think they (Obama group) would get the best of the best instead of some 4 year old level hack to con the public.

    Honestly I would like to see “the wrecking ball” in office and start with some TREASON indictments starting with Obama and his legacy. Let us really watch a “prison time” trickle down in action.

    Honestly I would want a front row center for a scaffold in the Rose Garden.

    • Troy says:

      Honestly I would like to see “the wrecking ball” in office and start with some TREASON indictments starting with Obama and his legacy. Let us really watch a “prison time” trickle down in action.

      Honestly I would want a front row center for a scaffold in the Rose Garden.

      What a lovely thought. THAT would truly be the beginning of a recovery.


  • Another interesting video. It’s a bit of a stretch, but still within the realm of plausible.

    The Zika virus thing is also something I’ve been keeping an eye on. I cringed when I saw a biplane flying over a Florida neighborhood dumping pesticide on all the homes. It only made the news after people noticed all the bees in their beehives were dead. Knowing the way the government and pharmaceutical industries work, if they knew it was taking 5 years off everyone’s life, but reduced the possibility of outbreak before the election by 50%, I’m betting they would do it.

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