PostHeaderIcon More Obama Lies

In a televised interview, the Obamanation has told the American people that, unless the debt ceiling is raised before August 2, he cannot guarantee that Social Security checks will be delivered starting in August.

Aside from the obvious, that he is trying to scare the elderly, he is also lying to the nation. FICA is financed by its own financing system (the “payroll tax”, matching payments by employers and by the excess taxes that are contained in the FICA Trust Fund). It is not (yet) paid out of the General Fund. In fact, the excess FICA taxes that go into the Trust Fund have been borrowed (stolen) to help the General Fund. To the best of my understanding, current tax collections are still sufficient to meet the payout level. Once they are not, those IOUs from the Treasury MUST be paid back. FICA’s own funding system is not predicted to go broke for another 20 years or so.

Ergo, by what stretch of logic can the inability to borrow more money legally affect the payment of Social Security checks?

Is the Obamanation telling the country that, if he does not get his debt increase, he will steal ALL FICA taxes for other uses? Would this not be definite grounds for immediate impeachment?

The truly distressing thing about all this is not that Obama lies every time he opens his mouth – we have known that since he first entered the public arena. No, the really bad part is the number of our citizens that take this crap at face value because they are too stupid to understand it and/or too dependent on government to make any waves.

What I least understand is why the members of Congress are not on every news outlet, telling the truth about this situation. Has the situation gotten to the point where they are that afraid of Obama(and his handlers behind the curtain)?

Meanwhile, Pelosi lite (Boehner) seems to be doing everything he can to help the Obamanation get his debt increase while making the American people think just the opposite.

I have suggested this before and I will repeat it here – the Obamanation is doing everything he can think of to spark civil unrest so that he has an excuse to declare martial law. Once that happens, crap and fan will truly collide.

Troy L Robinson

6 Responses to “More Obama Lies”

  • Dan says:

    I agree with Dave,It’s Now or Never….

  • I have suggested this before and I will repeat it here – the Obamanation is doing everything he can think of to spark civil unrest so that he has an excuse to declare martial law. Once that happens, crap and fan will truly collide.
    Don’t doubt it a bit. On the subject……

    “That’s just simply a lie. There is plenty of revenue to pay our Social Security obligations.”

    Meckler was firmly against raising the debt ceiling, and dismissed consequences of it not passing. On President Obama’s contention that Social Security checks might not go out, Meckler contended: “That’s just simply a lie. There is plenty of revenue to pay our Social Security obligations. There’s plenty of revenue to pay our debt, our interest on the debt obligations. If the president and Secretary Geithner choose not to pay Social Security, they’ll be held responsible. They’ll be held responsible by recipients, and they’ll be held responsible by the American public.”

    • Troy says:

      Do not forget, Secretary Geithner also chose not to pay income taxes he legally owed. Clearly, he does not let messy things like ethics, legality and such alter his course.


    • Troy says:

      “If the president and Secretary Geithner choose not to pay Social Security, they’ll be held responsible. They’ll be held responsible by recipients, and they’ll be held responsible by the American public.”

      This sounds nice, but… the Obamanation has been ruling (not governing) by executive order, by ignoring the Congress, and by ignoring the Constitution. And, to date, not one thing has been done to “hold him responsible”. Why then would it be different this time?

      As long as he sticks to what the teleprompter tells him to say and does those things his handlers demand, he will get by with whatever he does. And, I have no doubt that, as we approach the next election, world events will be manipulated such that his re-election in virtually assured.

      Once that happens, I sincerely hope we the sheeple will abandon the fantasy that we still enjoy “government of the people, by the people and for the people”. As much as I abhor violence, we are being pushed into a corner where that is probably our only option. Even then, we are so outgunned by the federal thugs that the best we could hope for is to irritate them for a while. In other words, the choice I see coming is the choice to go down fighting rather than surrender meekly with our tails firmly tucked between our legs.


  • Daedalus says:

    On a related topic only about 5% of the budget (annually) goes to pay interest on the debt. Does all of the interest come due at the end of the fiscal year? As far as the bonds that are being cashed in he still doesn’t have to raise the debt ceiling to issue new ones to replace the old. Is part of the raised ceiling to pay for the social security and medicare taxes he decided not to collect this year? Is the new money to be used for this years budget and next years too. How much is needed for this fiscal year and why wasn’t it in the budget?. I am afraid I haven’t seen a clear picture of why the debt ceiling needs to be raised. I think we are being had.

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