The 2010 Con Job
As I write this, conventional wisdom, supported by various polls, suggest that the GOP is about to retake control of the US House of Representatives with a lesser chance to retake control of the US Senate. Many people, mistakenly IMHO, believe this means the end of the Obamanation. I seek to suggest a different possibility.
First, there is no expectation whatever that the GOP will achieve veto-proof majorities in both houses of the US Congress, a basic requirement for dismantling any of the damage done by the Obamanation to date. This means that the very best we can expect is that the GOP might be able to block some future Obama attempts at further socialization of our government.
Before we continue with this thought, imagine, if you will, the opposite scenario – where the Democrats maintain their majority control of both houses as well as the White House this election. Were this to happen, it is hard to imagine how Obama could have any hope of re-election in 2012. The American people would simply be too disgusted by then and Obama would have little to run against. By the 2012 campaign, the worn out “its Bush’s fault†line will be worn so thin that even the most weak minded of the sheeple would be able to see through it.
Now, back to our main reasoning. By having the GOP win a simple majority in the House, perhaps even in the Senate, the best the GOP could do, as stated above, is to BLOCK Obama’s plans. But, in doing so, they not only DO NOT rollback or repair any of the damage done to date, they actually give Obama something tangible to run against in 2012, thereby helping his re-election chances. I refuse to believe I am the only one bright enough to have figured this out. Indeed, I think this is the very direction preferred by the Obama administration. For sure, they will do some public whining over the apparent loss – but this still plays right into their longer term plans.
Taking our reasoning in yet another direction, what looks on the surface like a contest between Blue-State Democrats and Red-State Republicans might not be that at all. I submit that the REAL contest is between the “political establishment†and the American people. A contest we the people continue to lose. In the few cases where true grassroots candidates have beaten “establishment†candidates in primary elections, the “establishment†at best gives these candidates lukewarm support and, at worst is openly hostile to them, apparently preferring the “establishment†candidate from the alleged opposing party. This is especially true of so-called “Tea Party†candidates who have won GOP primaries, upsetting “establishment†candidates. One can almost hear the members of the elite ruling class (a.k.a. The “establishmentâ€) exclaim “how dare they?â€. I submit that what we are really up against are a self-appointed elite ruling class who come in shades ranging from bright red to bright blue with various hues in between, and that they all have something in common – in all cases, their highest priority is keeping the power they believe they, and only they (and their heirs), have a right to. Yes, they may vary in the choice of special interests they repay with our hard-earned tax money, but, at the end of the day, they are all the same.
Sorry my friends but what I see shaping up is 2 years of a “pissing contest†between the Dems and the GOP followed by a demonized GOP being beaten in 2012 in the Congress and the likely re-election of Obama. Should this come to pass, I also see a very high possibility that it will be the last presidential election held in what was once the United States of America.
Sorry but I am honor bound to tell it as I see it, whether or not what I see is what I want. Call me negative if it makes you feel better. I prefer to think of myself as a very rational analyst and observer.
Our Constitution was written in the blood of patriots. Since its implementation, it has withstood several truly serious challenges, each of them overcome with the blood of patriots. If you prefer to think things are different this time, then it is your right to spend what remains of your freedom believing that and there is nothing I can do about that.
Troy L Robinson
Agreed… a case I made several years ago with my Incumbrepublicrats essay, which was my neologism for what you are calling the amorphous “political establishment.”
I agree that this will obviously be the strategy of the Dems who can count on the tireless support of their big media sycophants to try to keep the D vs. R duopoly raging. It is a tried and true technique, which the RINO Progressives, including camera hounds like John McCain and his clueless protege Lindsey Graham, et al play right into; but I submit that there is a real chance that it may not be effective this time.
If one thinks about it, Beck and the T-Party folks are busy creating legions of libertarians, whether very many of them realize it or not. These folks are fiercely anti-incumbrepublicrat and, if anything, harder on RINO Progressives than Dems. Since the current rules favor the two-party system and make third-party assaults almost impossible, they are in the process of taking over the Republican Party. Already, they have accomplished more than the Libertarian Party ever could. The media initially tried to ignore them; then they tried to demonize them; now even the Progressive big media is having to report on their effectiveness and their high profile candidates. Think back to how often they ever covered Libertarian Party candidates, or discussed their issues during elections.
While effectively leaderless, they are interconnected via social networking, blogs, and U-tube in ways that bypass any and all attempts to corral them. Blessedly, they are like a herd of cats; not a disciplined cohesive caucus, which could be controlled by the “leadership” of a party to compromise their principles for Party expediency. Yet, if an issue punches their buttons, they can be rallied in a heartbeat to send a loud and clear message to their legislators that if they vote against the will of their constituents, they will be held accountable at the next election. After what is coming November 2nd., that power is going to be unavoidably recognized as formidable by the Republican “establishment.”
Meanwhile, I have noticed in the past few days that T-Party luminaries are already talking about “November 3rd.” Media anointed spokespersons like Sarah Palin are making the point that the day after the election begins the 2012 election season and flatly stating that if the Republican establishment doesn’t adhere to Constitutional, small government, and fiscally conservative principles, the GOP is dead. I suspect that there are enough folks who are sufficiently enjoying their new-found political activism to keep the T-Party seriously engaged. The media will try to couch it in D vs. R terms; but the participants will know otherwise and their numbers will continue to grow.
All that said, I don’t discount your point about the blood of patriots. I worry about the response of the Left to the potential unraveling of all they have accomplished of late. Their penchant for riling up the ghetto dwellers to take to the streets in violent protests is a real threat. If it were to spread outside the ghettos, civil war is not unthinkable; but if that is what it takes to save this country again… bring it on. The good ole boys are already angry and know how to take care of business… â—„Daveâ–º
I really hope your analysis is more accurate than mine. Only time will tell, but, I find it impossible to get excited over the notion that part of the problem is about to become part of the solution. Given the way the political establishment doles out power in Congress, I can’t see a few Tea Party people having any influence or even being heard on important issues, apart from interviews on Fox, which have little effect on actual legislation.
It is popular to paint Obama and his handlers behind the curtain as a bunch of incompetent amateurs who mean well but simply don’t get it. I totally disagree with this analysis. What I see are extremely powerful, extremely well funded people who know exactly what they are doing and who have waited a long time for the opportunity to do it. Together, these people can manipulate the world’s finances. To think they will back down in the face of a few Tea Party folk is, IMHO, a wish rather than a reality.
As for the Libertarian party, I am a card carrying member and I totally support its platform. At the same time, I know that understanding and embracing the Libertarian platform requires much more rational analysis than most Americans are willing or able to give it. The end result is that people tend to fear and reject that which they don’t understand. For a while, Glenn Beck was doing a fair job of pushing Libertarian principles then he started taking himself seriously and decided to become a preacher of the gospel instead. To my knowledge, there are only two effective spokesmen for libertarianism who currently have a national audience — John Stossel and Andrew Napolitano, both of them on Fox and neither with a major audience. I know of none in the Side-Stream-Media.
Sorry but I see only 2 long term outcomes: either meek submission to the gradual implementation of a dictatorship or a civil war whose outcome could go either way, depending on what the US military decides to support.
Meanwhile, Islam continues to gain ever more powerful WMD while we mouth at them and wring our hands. I tend to expect that an Islamic attack on the US, using WMD, will be the trigger for a declaration of martial law — the last step before open dictatorship. When that happens, I fear a majority of the sheeple will beg to be dictated to because they will be totally dependent on government (as far too many already are).
Only time will tell what will really happen and I may well not be around for the telling.
Troy L Robinson