PostHeaderIcon How To Make a Patriot Puke

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During the last Great Crisis Franklin Delano Roosevelt led America out of the Great Depression and through World War II. Today, Barack Obama leads us through the worst Economic Crisis since the Great Depression and leads the War on Terror.

We are wise enough to choose our own leader and to decide how long that leader will serve.

Oh, I should have warned you not to follow it yourself. Try gargling with Scope to get the taste out of your mouth… â—„Daveâ–º

5 Responses to “How To Make a Patriot Puke”

  • Tribal says:

    Wow, You have got to be kidding me! As if two terms isn’t enough when we have only two choices to make between bad and worse usually most of us opt for the better of the two evils, okay-ing it in our mind with the thought that the next time we will have a better choice. The only saving grace between the two parties is that at least they can try and cancel each other out. But to have more then a decade when we get a bad president? Just go ahead and call it what it is a dick-tatorship, already, geez. At least that way we can get the revolution on the way!

    Oh, and correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is FDR actually prolonged the depression with his programs not got us out? World War II and us being the only place with any industrial infrastructure that wasn’t getting bombed was what got us out, yes, FDR was president but unlike these days he didn’t start the war, he might have baited the enemy but that was what was called for then.

    • James says:

      ‘World War II and us being the only place with any industrial infrastructure that wasn’t getting bombed was what got us out, yes, FDR was president but unlike these days he didn’t start the war, he might have baited the enemy but that was what was called for then.’
      I understand the first part. However “baiting the enemy” still cost us millitary lives. Is that justafiable? I am still learning on this site. I hope you can have paitents with me.

  • John says:

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

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