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Michael Goodwin of the New York Post, has penned the best article I have read yet about this election season, “Why it’s time for a Trump revolution“:

It’s been a long road to get here. When Trump’s name first popped up, I joked about moving to Canada. When he launched his campaign, I cursed him, certain he was going to create a circus just when Republicans finally had a strong field of candidates.

I was intrigued by many of them, starting with Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush. Others I admired while believing they wouldn’t get far — Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Carly Fiorina.

I like those Republicans even though I’m a registered Democrat, just not that kind of Democrat. I voted for President Obama in 2008, believing he meant it when he said no red states, no blue states, only the United States. The barrier he broke added to his appeal.

Six months later, I was off the bus. It was already clear Obama had no intention of building a consensus on anything, although few realized he would be such a radical and partisan polarizer. He may love America, but doesn’t seem to like actual Americans. Other than himself, of course.

That certainly peaked my interest in what he had to say. Obviously, he is by no means a rabid partisan or ideologue.

After discussing why both Hillary and Sanders were unacceptable options to him, he acknowledges:

So I’m stuck with Republicans, but my favorites were rejected, with only Kasich surviving by a thread. Frankly, I don’t blame voters. They’ve had it with vanilla men who play nice and quietly lose elections. If the nominee is another Mitt Romney, Clinton would win in a landslide.

As noted, I do admire Cruz, but he strikes me as more Barry Goldwater than Ronald Reagan. He’s whip smart, but too rigid ideologically and personally joyless. If I were president, I would nominate him for the Supreme Court in hopes he could fill Antonin Scalia’s shoes as the leading constitutionalist.

Which leaves only Donald J. Trump. He’s weird, erratic and I have no idea what he will say or do next. His nasty put-downs of rivals and journalists, especially Megyn Kelly, diminish him. His policies are as detailed as bumper stickers and his lack of knowledge about complex issues scares me.

If he weren’t the GOP front-runner, the gaps in his game would make it easy to dismiss him. But dismissing him requires dismissing the concerns of the 7.5 million people who have voted for him. That I can’t do.

That is some rather clear-eyed analysis of the options left to him at this point. What follows is an excellent discussion of the dismay Trump is causing among the intelligentsia on both sides. Then, he concludes with:

For his chutzpah, tens of millions of dollars are being poured into attack ads against Trump, and the urgent blue-nosed concerns about dark pools of money in politics have vanished. As long as he’s the target, all is fair.

Often, the avalanche of sludge against Trump looks and sounds like a reactionary confederacy fighting to keep its power and privileges. Naturally, the mainstream ­media is slashing away.

A Washington Post editorial claims that stopping Trump is the only way to “defend our democracy.” In other words, those troublesome voters are the problem.

A New York Times columnist raised the prospect of assassination. Sure, it was a joke. Make that joke about Obama or Clinton and see who laughs.

I would be delighted to support a more conventional candidate who has Trump’s courage and appeal, but we don’t always get to pick our revolutionaries. And make no mistake, Donald Trump is leading a political revolution that is long overdue.

I couldn’t agree more. Do go read the whole excellent article, it is well worth the time. â—„Daveâ–º

6 Responses to “Trump Fever”

  • Chris says:

    I don’t argue his points one bit. Everything he says is why for a brief time I was a Trump supporter as well as Cruz. I at one time held the opinion that either one would be great. Then I started listening to Trump. He lost me at the name calling and many absurdities that his beginning campaign didn’t really have. Then he started contradicting himself from one day to the next. Ok, it’s politics and he’s campaigning. Stretching the truth and throwing some mud comes with the territory. Then it got old and started to manifest itself to me as a serious character flaw. He seemed to enjoy it a bit too much. That was only the first thing that turned me off.

    Mr. Trump has proven himself able to “stretch the truth” to the breaking point. I now wonder what if anything in his past or even now is there to indicate that he will do what he says and is who he claims to be? Under close examination the clear answer is absolutely nothing. What is there to indicate that he understands the constitution at all? To date I have never even heard him mention it. In fact I have heard him propose numerous unconstitutional and illegal acts he would perform as president. In other words he would act exactly as Obama has.

    I’m glad this author has seen the crooked folly of democrats for what it is but he has not had such an epiphany from the left to bring himself to vote for anyone other than someone that behaves like those he seeks to avoid. It does explain how a democrat wins in a republican primary.

  • This is indeed an interesting perspective.

    It is most likely why Trump will beat the sox off Hillary (with Democrats alone) if given a chance.

    If he is not given the chance I hope everyone is locked and loaded because that is the next scenario.

    I hate the thought of roasting my chicken on a skewer over an open fire because of desolation after the crash … in my old age.

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