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Up Periscope
Do you Periscope? If so, you may wish to experience the debate tomorrow night, as I intend to. I will watch it on TV, while simultaneously enjoying Scott Adams’ (Dilbert) running commentary on my iPad tuned to his Periscope channel, “@ScottAdamsSays.” It will be similar to someone “Live Blogging” a political event, except Periscope is an actual streaming audio/visual experience. Speaking of visual, his very hot neighbor will be co-hosting the “Scope” with him. 😉
If you are unfamiliar with Periscope, don’t feel too old. Since I eschew most social media, I didn’t even know what it was a week ago; but I easily became addicted to the technology, once I tried it. It all started when YouTube recommended a replay of one of his daily morning “Coffee with Scott Adams” Periscope episodes, which one of his many followers, using the handle, “CyberDurden,” now converts and uploads to his own YouTube channel. E.g. here is yesterday’s episode:
You may not wish to invest the time to watch the whole episode; but if you are unfamiliar with Periscope, watching a few minutes will give you a feel for how Scott uses the platform very effectively, to communicate with his “Persuasion” oriented fans, Read the rest of this entry »
More Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice or medical BS? The latest:
It happens that I own a couple of pulse oximeters, which I have used at least once a day, for the past nearly three years. I referred to them as my “E-Cigarettes,” in this old post a couple of years ago. I can confirm that my own oxygen level generally tests at 93-94%. By doing some deep breathing, I can pump it up fairly easily to 95-96%. I really have to hyperventilate, with emphasis on complete exhales, to get it to ever go higher than 97%. For her doctor to claim Hillary’s tested at 99% while suffering pneumonia, is downright laughable! Read the rest of this entry »
Clinton Graft Exposed
This is extraordinary:
Any bets on whether it makes it on the radar of the MSM? Probably not… they are way too busy right now, trying to skewer Trump for snookering them over the Birther issue. Read the rest of this entry »
Is It Parkinson’s?
I find this MD rather persuasive. He has been posting videos explaining his conclusion that Hillary has Parkinson’s disease, for a couple of weeks now. His latest is a discussion of her most recent episode on 9/11:
I thought there was something really weird about the deep blue sunglasses. Too bad she won’t be able to wear them during the upcoming debates. 😉
To better understand how and why he came to his Parkinson’s conclusion, watch the following Read the rest of this entry »
Faithful Jihadism
Although one of my favorite sites is The Objective Standard, I rarely share links to the excellent content there, because much of it is behind a pay wall. While I have been a subscriber for years, I can’t expect others to be. However, today’s article, “9/11 and America’s Failure to End the Jihad,” is openly available to all, and worth considering:
The anniversary of 9/11 is here, and another year has passed without America naming, much less eliminating, the cause of the attack.
The cause of the attack on 9/11 and, more broadly, of the jihad against the West is the fact that Islamic regimes—most notably those in Iran and Saudi Arabia—take Islam seriously and thus seek to convert or kill everyone who doesn’t. Toward that end, these regimes materially and spiritually support jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State, who, in turn, attack and murder Americans and others who refuse to submit.
That, in a nutshell, is why al-Qaeda attacked America on September 11, 2001. And it is why jihadists and their supporters are constantly planning or sponsoring more attacks. Everyone paying attention knows this. But the U.S. government refuses to acknowledge the cause and thus refuses to eliminate the source of the problem: the Islamic regimes that sponsor jihad.
Like he said, we all know this; but it is not considered Politically Correct to say so out loud. A very good question is why? Read the rest of this entry »
Hillary Now Unelectable?
Dilbert thinks so: “The Race for President is (Probably) Over.” He suggests that her latest medical “overheating” episode, at today’s 9/11 memorial event, has finished her off:
That clip of her falling again will soon go viral! Scott Adams makes an excellent point:
You probably wonder if the “overheated†explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same.
His logic seems rather persuasive: Read the rest of this entry »
Just Deserts
One frequently encounters the sentiment that people get the government they deserve. This is usually found in the context that those suffering tyranny in foreign lands, should rise up and overthrow their rulers. I must admit that I have in the past been persuaded by this logic, especially during debate over the notion that we somehow have a moral obligation, to go abroad seeking dragons to slay, on behalf of oppressed people.
I am pretty clear in my assessment that we have no such obligation; but is it even true that oppressed slaves deserve their masters, for lack of will to depose them, violently if necessary?
In a comment section here the other day, CT referring to Hillary said:
It boils down to CHARACTER … who has it and who does not.
I am not talking about CHARACTER of the candidates I am talking about character of the American voter who clearly is about to get exactly what they deserve.
From my increasingly anarchistic perspective, I was tempted to quip that this would be their just deserts, for legitimizing the oligarch’s Kabuki dance by voting at all, regardless of the winner of their sham election. The “Deep State” could care less who wins an election; because normally they control both candidates. The jury is still out; but this is the first time in at least a generation that this may not be true.
I have just finished reading probably the most important essay of this political season, which concluded with:
The election of 2016 is a test—in my view, the final test—of whether there is any virtù left in what used to be the core of the American nation. If they cannot rouse themselves simply to vote for the first candidate in a generation who pledges to advance their interests, and to vote against the one who openly boasts that she will do the opposite (a million more Syrians, anyone?), then they are doomed. They may not deserve the fate that will befall them, but they will suffer it regardless.
The pseudonymous author was referring, of course, to the #NeverTrump faction of the conservative intelligentsia, which he repeatedly excoriates with the delicious metaphor, of comparing them to the Washington Generals. Read the rest of this entry »
Cheating While Lying
Or, was it lying while cheating? It seems that the NYPD caught her wearing what they think is a stealth miniature communication device, during the so-called CinC debate last night.
Of course, it might have just been another undisclosed medical infirmity, which requires her to wear a hearing aid. Granny is obviously rapidly decomposing before our eyes.
Best comment of the day: Read the rest of this entry »
Collecting Cow Farts
Here in California, our dairy cows continue to fail our strict emissions tests, so the legislature is doing something about it.
No, unfortunately this latest episode of AGW insanity is not a joke. AP is reporting: Read the rest of this entry »
Clinton Backs Trump
…or least his position on illegal immigration:
What a difference 20 years can make. This would make a great Trump commercial. Just run it without comment, other than the obligatory, “I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message” at the end. 😀 Read the rest of this entry »
The Alt-Right
First, I would like to point out my “Cultural Bigotry” essay, which I wrote a few months back, before I ever heard of the “Alt-Right.” Since Hillary’s speech introducing the term to the rest of us, much is being made of the alleged ‘racist’ or ‘white supremacist’ nature of some of those associated with it. The research I have been doing, has revealed that multicultural challenges, are seen as much more important than race to these young folks. For one thing, they are actually intelligent enough to understand that terms like ‘Muslim’ or ‘Mexican,’ do not refer to the race of those they label. However, here is a short discussion of the diversity within the movement, by one of its founders:
Certainly not PC; but I find his positions reasonable, and certainly worthy of open discussion in the marketplace of ideas. I also note his push back, regarding whether either Breitbart or Trump, Read the rest of this entry »
Dogbert’s Death Scam
A particularly good Dilbert this week:
This is why I don’t just follow Scott Adams’ blog. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
Lie Rinse Repeat
One just couldn’t make this political season up. I have no idea who this guy is; but he has a real scoop! First, he makes the obvious observation that a real KKK leader, would be rather unlikely to consent to an interview with a black reporter:
Don’t give up before the 8:10 mark, where he shows the video of an actor, claiming to be a concerned Republican, making a Hillary Clinton ad against Trump, who frightens him. This is then followed by the very same actor as a young man, claiming to be a concerned Republican, making a Lyndon Johnson ad against Goldwater, who frightens him. Read the rest of this entry »
Latinos For Trump
Why aren’t we hearing about this?
If Orange County weren’t so far from my hermitage here on the Central Coast, I would be tempted to attend their “Operation Taco Bowl” rally scheduled for 8/28/16. Read the rest of this entry »
Related Posts
After reading a recent Jetpack blog post, I decided to try turning on the “Related Posts” feature. Now, at the bottom of every post, one finds three purportedly related previous posts, which is supposed to entice the casual reader to spend more time on the site getting to know us, and hopefully return for more.
In testing it, I wasn’t always in agreement with the algorithm making the choices; but at least the first one offered was usually pretty relevant. It can be entertaining, and often somewhat satisfying, to read old blog posts one has forgotten ever making. This will likely be a good way for me to stumble across them. One I just read from early 2012, I thought particularly insightful: “Â Robin Hood vs. Good Samaritan,” which included: Read the rest of this entry »
Trump vs UniParty
The previous “Honey Badger” post about Breitbart and Steve Bannon revealed part of the picture, to which CT’s comments providing the Mercer connection added even more. Now, a very comprehensive Conservative Tree House article, ties it all together brilliantly. In “Presidential Politics and Current Status of UniParty…” Sundance deftly explains much of the elitist’s behind-the-scenes shenanigans in the past two years, endeavoring to ensure the oligarchs remain in control, whichever wing of the Incumbrepublocrat UniParty duopoly prevails in November 2016:
Those who do not accurately present historical context are doomed to misinterpret political shifts. With the recent enhancements to Donald Trump’s campaign team there’s a great deal of erroneous reporting and various opinion articles that are disconnected from historical accuracy.
Sundance then fills in the history necessary to accurately understand what just happened in the Trump campaign shakeup: Read the rest of this entry »
The Honey Badger
When I was exploring Kenya in the late ’60s, I read several books by Robert Ruark, a well known novelist and big game hunter at the time. One of them was entitled, “The Honey Badger.” In it, I learned that this rather small critter was considered the meanest and most dangerous animal in Africa! Here is why:
Pretty impressive, huh? There is apparently no animal it won’t attack, and it is said that when it attacks a man, it goes straight for the crotch! OK, this was just a setup, for understanding an otherwise obscure motto/meme of the Breitbart News organization. You may have heard that Trump just hired their Executive Chairman, as CEO of his campaign organization. Although I must have, I don’t recall ever hearing anything about Steve Bannon before; Read the rest of this entry »
Dilbert vs Molyneux
This is the modern Internet at its best. A world class philosopher at home in Canada, and a world famous cartoonist at home in California, sharing an utterly fascinating discussion over Skype, with the whole world via YouTube:
Don’t be dissuaded by the title; surprisingly little of their thought-provoking conversation is about Trump himself. Still, if he accomplishes nothing else this election season, I will always be grateful for the impetus he provided for me to discover the mind of Scott Adams, and for these two intellectual titans to get together for this entertaining debate. Read the rest of this entry »
Information vs Wisdom
Recently on the “Eliminating Authority” discussion thread, Chris offered an enigma:
Just to throw out a bit of a muse that I can’t quite figure out yet. In this day and age anybody can carry in their pocket the wisdom and knowledge of all recorded human history and every technology known. All the great philosophers, leaders, and critical minds works are at our finger tips. Yet we remain so stupid.
…that deserves its own topic for discussion. First, I would suggest that information ≠education. All the information in the world, is useless to anyone not willing or able, to access and learn it. It is certainly not PC to say so; but there are a significant percentage of people in the world, for which what we might consider as ‘educated,’ is simply beyond their ken. Ever meet someone with an IQ of 100? Now, ponder the unavoidable fact that fully half the world’s population, are dumber still! Read the rest of this entry »
Eliminating Authority
For the first time in our society’s seemingly inexorable death spiral, I have regained a significant measure of hope for the future of America, and indeed all of mankind. Once again, it seems, technology will come to our rescue.
Would a world without any rulers, where war was rendered impossible, be such a bad place to live? If there were a way to eventually nullify the power of all states, not just our own, would it be worth doing?
“Anarchy is not lack of order. Anarchy is lack of ORDERS.” -unknown
What if there were nobody left daring to even follow unpopular orders, much less issue them? Without so-called ‘leaders,’ and disciplined followers willing to execute their orders, no form of tyranny or warfare could possibly exist. Think about that undeniable fundamental truth for a moment.
I find it astonishing that I had never heard of Jim Bell, and his 20-year-old 10-part essay, “Assassination Politics,” in which he described and defended a technological method for eliminating unpopular politicians from society. Read the rest of this entry »