Roseanne, Did You Lose Your Mind​?
How can one resist the urge to join the Roseanne fracas? Not me!
My first observation is that she did indeed lose her mind if only temporarily. There is simply no way such a comment in a public space could go ignored. However much she may have wished it was funny, it simply came off as cruel and racist.
My second observation is that if the comment had been to the extent that the combination of a Scotswoman and an ape = DJT, it would have been thought hilarious. Such a double standard we live under these sad days.
My third observation, and one that includes a recent Trump controversy, is that humans are, in fact, apes. Indeed, we are considered to be the apex ape. Ergo, the idea of mating with an ape is not necessarily and insulting one. As a side observation, it is also true that humans are animals (perhaps Pelosi thinks we are vegetables but there is no science to support this!) Ergo, calling a human an animal is nothing more or less than a statement of fact. Trump would have been better to include the word “viscous†in his comment.
Please note that none of the observations above are intended to defend or justify a stupid attempt at humor that went way off the track. Nor are they meant to defend the viscous animals in any street gang. Instead it is a sort of suggestion that we all take a chill pill. These constant attempts to destroy each other will surely eventually succeed in destroying us all.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
My first comment is to concur with your observation regarding temporary insanity, Troy. I was surprised to learn about some of the anecdotal side effects of Ambien (aka: The Racist Drug). Scott Adams did a rather interesting Periscope on the subject yesterday.
BTW, Scott’s daily periscopes are now available as podcasts, which can be found on iTunes, etc. or on his blog. I really enjoy listening to them while taking my daily exercise walk.
My second comment is to suggest that individuals might best ignore PC social ‘standards,’ double or otherwise. If something strikes one as funny, laugh and don’t feel guilty for it. If not, don’t, and try hard not to waste time judging others who did.
My third comment is to admit I laughed out loud at your use of ‘viscous’ when you obviously meant ‘vicious.’ Then again, I suppose some humanoids could fairly be described as ‘thick’ and/or ‘syrupy’ (i.e. Dimwitted and/or mawkish). 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º
It’s probably nothing, but sometimes I wonder if high profile people are getting slipped something that is altering their behavior. The final report on Prince’s death showed he was killed by a counterfeit prescription pill that was mixed in with the real thing, so clearly it is a vulnerability. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise the other day when Gowdy said, “I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do.â€. Tin foil hat or wool over your eyes… It’s one or the other.
Regardless, she was certainly in the perfect position for them to pick at her until she snapped and said something dumb. The echo chambers on the left are now claiming that the right is defending her and opposing her firing. The right seems to be actually spending their time wondering why it’s only the right wing people getting fired for this kind of thing.
I’ve been listening to most of the Scott Adams stuff lately too. I especially enjoyed his segment the other day on the NYT editor word salad telling people to stop thinking about all the evidence that he’s wrong and just accept that he’s probably right.
Why not both? 😉
Yes, that was a good segment. He has an uncommon take on much of what is happening. I learn something new nearly every day from him. 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º
The lesson here is to not rely so much on spell checkers. Perhaps I need a context checker? Fact is, the arthritis in my hands has gotten so bad that I can hardly type. What I need is a voice to text tool like on my phone.
After I posted this yesterday, I listened a bit to Rush Limbaugh and he was going over the outrageous stuff that the left has said about Trump (for which very few lost their jobs) including one that labeled him an o rang-otang. Wouldn’t he need bright orange hair for that?
Then there is the matter of whether Valerie Jarrett really is African-American. She looks more like an Iranian to me. (Oh, I remember — she IS an Iranian).
Oh well — things are seldom what they seem.
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In short yes she has. That is if you choose to ignore her very long and open history of doing exactly this type of thing for decades. Her only mistake was choice of target. Never mind that it was probably the most accurate observation she ever had. Rosanne never has been conservative but simply like many Americans that are tired of the Washington BS. She created a show that some of those same people may find enjoyable. We can’t have any of that. Anyone that thinks Trump might be doing good things deserves no pleasure in anything. Her show was less of a political point and more of a political spoof. That’s why I liked it. So Rosanne retires early AGAIN while Cathy Griffin carries her severed head show from one annoying crowd to another.
Good point. Look at her Wikipedia portrait. I submit that Roseanne, consciously or not, was likely more influenced by her hair style than her skin tone. Critics leaping to equate apes with African Americans are probably revealing more about their own prejudices than hers. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
Heck I had no idea she was any portion of black. Given reports of Iranian connections I always assumed she was of Persian decent. My fault for not having her DNA tested before making assumptions. I often wonder how someone will claim offence in 100 years when nobody knows what race anybody is. We are in the very early stages of what I’ll call DNA homogenization. Maybe only crawling over the last 50 years but accelerating exponentially. In five more generations you’ll be able to offend nobody while offending everybody. 🙂
In five more generations, most Americans will be down on their prayer rugs facing Mecca five times a day, praying to Allah… in Spanish. They are still breeding… we are not! 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
We are past our time Dave. I was just marveling to myself on FB. I still have friendships there with some of Toni’s young family members who I have known from infancy. They are now in middle school and high school. Now I know every generation and or ethnicity develops it’s own terminology and phrasing as a way to express itself. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. This I know. Then there was the flap about ebonics a while ago. The thing is you could understand all of them with context and just a little effort. The writing and messaging of today’s young people is completely unintelligible. The best I have figured out is that if a white girl is talking about “dey nigga” they are talking about their boy OR girl friend. (Gay couples are more popular than straight ones in school now from what I can gather. Lends more to your lack of procreation point.) Hell of a thing right? Could you imagine calling a partner that? Even with a couple letters changed it’s incredible.
I haven’t enough time on earth to worry about what it all means but I do have confidence in one thing. This current newest generation won’t be bowing on a prayer rug to anything but their own self absorbed whims.That may be worse than facing Mecca five times a day.
Interesting, Chris. Ugh… Perhaps I am better off not having any contact whatever with young folks.
I quit worrying about anything years ago. Now, I am one jump ahead of you… I have less time and no longer can be bothered to even care.
You are probably right about the current crop; but I stand by my prediction for the future. The sparse progeny of these self-absorbed snowflakes will unlikely have what it would take, to prevent Taliban-like religious police patrolling their streets to make sure they do their daily devotions, once the Muslims take over this democracy. Remember, the majority rules over a minority. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
I had a friend who used Ambian and did some really crazy stuff she never recalled when she woke up.
If I had not seen it myself or argued about the behavior I would not believe it myself.
Personally I did not know Jarrett was black either. She looked pretty white to me.
When I first saw what Roseanne said … what came to mind was the woman vet in planet of the apes. Jarrett and Dr. Zira sort of have the same hair style. Not liking Jarrett myself I thought it was really funny. Raciest never crossed my mind until everyone was screaming raciest.
I am rather tired of all this racial BS that has now been driven into the ground. Unfortunate because when there is really a problem it will be ignored.
The latest David Bosse “your pea-picking crazy” comment was simply some black twit losing an argument being faux-offended to stop his getting stomped by what David Bosse was debating with him. Fox suspending Bosse was stupid IMO
Now we have “Moron Maxine Waters” pretty much inciting riots. I am wondering if it ever occurred to this bitch not long ago crosses were burned on front lawns. Has the door swinging both directions not crossed her moronic mind?
Okay done with my rant for the day … LOL
To be honest, so did I. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º