PostHeaderIcon Can I Borrow Your Vomit Bag​?

Seems nobody else has the nerve (or has too much good sense?) to comment on the latest round of exposures, rumors, lies and even a few facts.

For my part, I just want this nightmare to be over. One of these sleazebags will win and the nation will lose. It is just that simple.

I have done my duty as a citizen and thrown away my vote on the Johnson/Weld ticket, knowing that they have no chance to win but wanting to put in my 2 cents worth regardless.

BTW, I have read several articles recently about HRC’s body odor problems. Some seem to think it is disease related but I am amused to see that her campaign manager (Podesta) says she simply does not bathe often enough. This is similar to claims from her college days. Given that Trump will say anything that comes to mind, I wonder why he has not mentioned it when they have been on stage together?

More and more I find myself wishing that the Obamanation would pull the plug on this whole circus and just crown himself pasha or whatever. At least a big airplane and plenty of golf courses to fly to seems to keep him happy. Costs a lot of $$ but still better than spending it on civil war. Plus, given the obvious deterioration of people succeeding to the White House, why not quit while we are behind rather than risk getting behinder (is that a real word?)

Try not to think about it.

Troy L Robinson

25 Responses to “Can I Borrow Your Vomit Bag​?”

  • Given that Trump will say anything that comes to mind, I wonder why he has not mentioned it when they have been on stage together?

    1. She bothers to shower that day so no BO to smell?
    2. He can smell it but is a gentleman and CHOOSES to say nothing?
    3. He knows full well if he does mention it he will be hammered BY EVERYONE that he is a misogynistic ass hole that hates women?

    LOL … what do you think?

    • Chris says:

      Either one or three. Number 2? Your kidding right? 🙂

      • No Troy I was not joking with 2.
        I see no Trump kicking the crap out of women if not provoked. In his real world he apparently treats women pretty well … probably better than most men of today.

        That being said he has been provoked by Hillary so the most likely answer is a WISE FOX would avoid her BO like the plague.

        What are you going to do Troy when Trump wins and actually digs in and makes things better for us all? Then the alt-right kicks in and helps finish draining the swamp?

        Ben Shapiro and David French are already whining to the high heaven about how their lives are being made miserable by who they THINK (think is the operative word)is the alt-right.

        All of this and the ball has not yet begun to roll … LOL

        • Troy says:

          What are you going to do Troy when Trump wins and actually digs in and makes things better for us all? Then the alt-right kicks in and helps finish draining the swamp?

          Trump is welcome to make my life as good as it can be made.


        • Chris says:

          CT I think your reply was meant for me. My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. Just given Trumps propensity to speak what’s on his mind.

      • Take away the caveat that his motive could only be gentile, and I would allow him option #2. I have seen plenty of evidence that he is capable of experiencing an unspoken thought. Contrary to conventional wisdom/spin, I suspect that 90% of the pearl-clutching remarks he makes, are deliberate, calculated, tactical, and ultimately rather effective for the purpose that he chooses to make them.

        Those inclined to regard him only as a hopeless boor, need to explain why and how it is, that he has had such classy women and children in his charmed life. Even his ex-wives and legions of female ex-employees, seem to still hold him in good stead, and readily defend him. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

  • Jerry Elkins says:

    Well Troy your sleaze bag comment is half right. Trump/Pence 2016

  • Thanks for the remarkable link, Steel. Here is the actual video segment:

    …Un-frickin-believable! This just illustrates why I never joined the Libertarian Party. How could they have chosen this Progressive buffoon as their VP candidate? What if they had actually won, and Johnson OD’ed on something? He could have ended up as POTUS! I’m sorry… voting for these two, to avoid voting for Trump, just does not compute… 😯 â—„Daveâ–º

    • I would generally prefer the Libertarians over the other parties, but they just changed their party funding to work like the big 2, which is a first nail in the coffin. Add to that that Johnson is a weak candidate with a sketchy VP, and I’m likely to throw my support elsewhere this cycle. Hopefully they can find someone from the Ron Paul mold next time.

    • OMG!! Honestly we have gone to HELL IN A HAND-BASKET FOR SURE!

      Where have we dredged up these bottom of the pond scum?

      Then this morning I get this:

      I feel like I have been dropped into the worst Freddy Kruger dimension possible.

      Boils down to something simple.
      We have NOTHING TO FEAR FROM TRUMP but we better be deathly afraid of those who support the above pieces of crap!!

      There appears to be rampant mental illness here in the US.

      • Well that’s novel.

        In Podesta’s emails there is definitely a notable amount of, I wouldn’t call it UFO stuff, because it isn’t just sightings and area 51 stuff, it’s more like some kind of alien invasion cult.
        A couple examples, one from an Apollo astronaut:

        He does also have weird food related code that no one seems to have credibly broken, like the liquor store comment here:
        From: Michael Werz
        Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015
        Subject: Flagging Turkish campaign donations
        To: John Podesta
        John, heard this second hand but more than once. Seems Erdogan faction is making substantial investments in U.S. to counter opposition (CHP, Kurds, Gulenists etc.) outreach to policymakers and USG. Am told that the Erdogan crew also tries to make inroads via donations to Democratic candidates, including yours. Two names that you should be aware of are Mehmet Celebi and Ali Cinar. Happy to elaborate on the phone, provided you are not shopping at the liquor store.

      • Whoops, looks like I was a day behind on the leaks and you may be right. This is getting really ugly. If even a fraction of this is true, then Trump is a saint by comparison. What a tragedy if this turns out to be the truth a day too late to make a difference.

        • I just finished watching Mike Cernovich, Vox Day and Stephan Molyneux talking about this.

          Vox Day mentioned something that jogged my memory to a story I ran upon about 20 years ago. A group of very young kids (who were then young adults) started a website about the abuse they had suffered from a very young age. Like 4 years of age. Their parents farmed them out to high ranking politicians in the Bay Area. It went on for years until they were old enough to break free.

          The authorities DID NOTHING.
          It was one of the most heartbreaking horrendous things I had ever heard about. One of the main young adults communicated with me for a couple of years … simply getting it off of his chest

          I made copious notes … now I wonder where those are … archived along with a ton of other crap that was going on back then that no authority cared about either.

          Geeze I am getting to old and tired for this stuff!!

      • The more I think about what I’ve read from Podesta, the less I think all the especially weird stuff fits.

        I think he enjoys a position of being the hub between the public, light of day campaign, the strategist behind how the campaign moves all the pieces on the board, the dirty trick projects, the moles in the media, Justice Dept, and FBI, and all the big donors, domestic and foreign. Those big donors are stupid rich and into who knows what. I’m betting he’s looked the other way on a lot of nasty stuff over the years, but I have trouble seeing him as an active participant.

        Still, there’s enough in his emails to put quite a lot of people away. I just wonder what’s holding it back? The election? The separate justice system enjoyed by the rich? Active protection from powerful allies? The sheer amount of blackmail material he must have?

  • One of these sleazebags will win and the nation will lose. It is just that simple.

    I have done my duty as a citizen and thrown away my vote on the Johnson/Weld ticket, knowing that they have no chance to win…

    Troy, what would you expect to change in your life, if they could and did win? How would their presence in the White House change the nature of the entrenched bureaucracies, and the arcane seniority rules governing the House and Senate operations, all of which would be occupied by non-libertarians.

    Would you reasonably expect them to abandon all the executive powers their predecessors had usurped, cancel all existing unconstitutional executive orders, and start following the Constitution to the letter? Do you somehow suppose that they could get strict original intent oriented constitutionalists ratified for SCOTUS vacancies? Do you really think they would have the moxie, to persuade Congress to repeal all the Federal drug laws, as the LP would certainly expect of them?

    Knowing you as I think I do, it rather surprises me that you are still a statist, federalist, constitutionalist, concerned about the future of the hopelessly and utterly irreversibly altruistic collective, which you refer to as “the nation.” Individual Liberty is a mindset, which properly constructed would be opposed to all of those things. It does not require convincing or changing any other minds, much less voting for one’s preferred slave master, to obtain it. Perhaps it is time for a rereading of Harry Browne’s “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.” It couldn’t hurt, my friend, and it might obviate your perceived need for a barf bag. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

    • I have little faith in Johnson, but I think Ron Paul could have made a solid dent. Get Dr. No in there scrapping the executive orders, appointing a Libertarian cabinet, recalling the troops, screwing with our rich “allies” in the middle east, vetoing everything that comes to him, including the budget, and the legislative branch would be begging for compromise in short order.

      The real trick though is getting them in office by electoral vote. If they pull that off, they have the mandate of a sufficient portion of the population. If they get in because Hillary and Trump get disqualified in some manner, then you just have chaos ending in a coup I expect.

    • Troy says:

      Oddly, I just recommended Browne’s book to a frustrated friend and neighbor.

      As for what I expect to change, where the “right” people elected… the answer is little to nothing. The problem is not with the system of government or the candidates for office. The problem is the people. In the main, humanity is becoming increasingly worthless. Yes, I realize that the best among us are better than ever but, I also realize that they represent an ever decreasing portion of the total population.

      If humanity is to survive (long term) it needs some massive thinning of the herd — one where ability is the key to survival. I have no doubt that such an event is in the offing. It simply has to be. Also, I have no idea the final outcome

      I have noticed something very interesting (to me) — even this small group, honest as it obviously is, still tends to talk around the real issues rather than discuss them openly. I suppose that is because of several factors: Factor: we somehow hope that what we know to be true is, in fact, not the truth at all; Factor: we are not comfortable with what our inner truth says about us; Factor: we may fear being made fun of; and, best of all: Factor: we fear we may be wrong, despite knowing better.

      We on this forum offer a variety of visions for a restored land of liberty, all of them well meant. But, In EVERY case, if the conditions existed to allow whichever of our visions to become reality, then the problem in question probably would not exist to begin with.

      I realize that I have not stated my case well. My wish for a barf bag stems mostly from this inability to communicate what I know to others. Life in this universe should be the source of limitless joy and wonder (it is to me). Yet, we (humanity) seem to work hard at making life less than it naturally tries to be. Yes, there is inevitable suffering ultimately ending in death. That is the price of admission and there is nothing any of us can do to change that. So, accept it for what it is and relish being alive in spite of it. And leave you neighbor free to do the same, even if their approach to capturing the joy of life seems different from your own.

      Again, not expressing myself well but doing the best I can.


      • Again, not expressing myself well but doing the best I can.

        You did a great job of expressing yourself. I agree with much of what you have to say.

        In the end it is no longer our world … it is left in the hands of the young to do with it what they will. Meanwhile we can sit and watch the show and my guess is it will be entertaining. 🙂

      • Chris says:

        You did just fine Troy. Your reasoning is my main reason for my transformation from interested participant to amused spectator. When I am no longer amused I am no longer interested. Nobody could ever claim to know the answer to every ill that plagues the world. I certainly couldn’t. What we here do seem to possess is a core knowledge deep enough to at least be able to say “that’s just stupid” when confronted by something we know not to be true. Our problem is nobody has written a service manual for fixing stupid. Until someone does I’m content to observe it orbiting around my universe staying alert that it doesn’t score a direct hit.

      • there is nothing any of us can do to change that. So, accept it for what it is and relish being alive in spite of it. And leave you neighbor free to do the same, even if their approach to capturing the joy of life seems different from your own.

        That is the essence of my own recipe for restoring Liberty to this land, Troy. My problem is that all about me, have yet to swallow the red pill, and suffer the illusion that a coercive government is absolutely necessary to establish and maintain a measure of order to their liking. Most have never lived in total peace and safety, 30 miles from the nearest cop shop, as I have. Even the conservative types, who ought to have better sense, can’t help worrying themselves over whether some poor soul 3,000 mi. away, might be having an abortion, or partaking of a disapproved substance for their own selfish purposes.

        You are right. The conditions necessary for my utopia, is a land with a population of self-sufficient, rugged individualists, trading with good neighbors who are not busybodies. There isn’t such a place, so I just ignore the nosy bastards, and live my life as I choose to live it, without regard to their wishes, rules, regulations, and laws. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

    • Chris says:

      In my view the LP blew a golden opportunity which causes me to render them irrelevant from this time forward. They had an opportunity to nominate a change oriented pragmatist. A libertarian at heart but one that recognized the rules on the ground as they stand today. He realized that an originalist conservative agenda was the stepping stone to a libertarian agenda. He could have gotten a lot of traction in this cycle.

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