Random Comments On The Election Process
It is no secret that my participation in the very active discussions here RE the current election have been minimal. This is for the simple reason that I do not think the current sham process is worthy of much serious consideration. Having said that, I do have several comments to share, some of them repeats from previous blogs:
→ While I seriously question whether Donald Trump would make an effective president, I do thank him for making the “establishment†begin to show its true intentions. And those intentions are NOT pro-democracy, pro-republic or pro anything other than the absolute control of the nation by a small elite cabal of the wealthy, mostly in the financial sector, and not nearly all American. (The are the same people who pretty much “own†the FED.).
→ Speaking of the “establishmentâ€, I have heard several pundits opine that the “GOP establishment†would prefer a president Hillary to a president Donald. To refer to a “GOP establishment†or a “Democrat establishment†is simply incorrect. While they both seem to exist, the fact is that there is so much overlap that it is more accurate to refer instead to “THE establishmentâ€.
→ I am now much embarrassed that I voted for John Kasich in the Texas primary. What I thought was a viable candidate turns out to be nothing more than scheming spoiler whose main goal is to help thwart the obvious will of the voters. The idea that the GOP would nominate Kasich, Bush or Rubio after they have been soundly rejected by the GOP electorate would be an insult to those who bothered to vote as well as to those who contributed to the more successful campaigns. For the GOP convention to nominate someone who did not bother to even participate in the primary (Ryan, Romney or the like) would be beyond an insult.
→ My mind has reflected on the fact that the origin of the GOP was a primary trigger that started the first American Civil War. And that the death throes of that same GOP could well be a primary trigger that starts the next American Civil War.
→ While I understand the logic behind the Dave Hunter / George Carlin plea that we not vote, that is far too mild a reaction to what is going on. Vote or not vote as you see fit – it hardly matters. In the mean time, start urging your state legislators to institute articles of secession. I know that such an effort is far more likely to succeed in my state, especially now that Abbott is governor, but it can’t hurt to try in every state we can affect. As well, get in touch with the 10th Amendment Center and support their efforts.
→ Finally, it is time to admit that the Republic known as The United States of America no longer exists in reality. Let it go and use whatever time and energy you are willing to expend on helping craft what its successor will be like. For my part, I like the idea of several fully autonomous regions, each establishing their own economic and cultural identities, and united only by a pact for common defense. Much like what our founders planned but with larger, ergo more independently viable and powerful “state†units, the actual details to be worked out by people more intelligent, younger and more vital than me. (Yes, I still believe that there are sufficient well educated, well informed people left to bring this off despite the destruction done by the progressives. And, I think they are more highly motivated than at any time in recent history.)
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
All worthwhile observations Troy. As far as voting for Kasich goes I wouldn’t feel too bad. Think of all those poor people who voted for Trump. To vote for a former senator and sitting governor is no crime. A life long huckster peddling snake oil it should be.
Since, as Troy suggests, our once beloved Republic is no more, I would make the case that voting for either is a crime – against humanity; or at the least a crime against Liberty. Voting for the lesser of evils is still a vote ratifying evil, and capitulating one’s birthright to Liberty, to the notion that rulers [leaders] are somehow necessary.
BTW: While Kasich was an Ohio State Senator, before being elected to Congress, he was never a U.S. Senator. He was, however, the well-regarded chairman of the House Budget Committee for several terms, which is arguably a more influential position than a mere Senator. 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º
Correct. I misspoke. Ohio State senate, US congress, Ohio governor. Government leach since 1978 at age 26. LOL and for all the folks claiming Heidi Cruz is owned by the banks how about “He also worked as an investment banker, serving as managing director of the Lehman Brothers office in Columbus, Ohio” from 2001 to 2007. Gotta love them bankers.
Agreed on your first two points, Troy.
Yet, hide and watch, they will. Actually they have little choice, if they wish to survive as a viable Party. See: The Electoral College: The Only Thing That Matters
An astute observation, Troy; and it may well start on the streets of Cleveland this summer. Remember, Civil War is just another term for Revolution. In any case, the government will consider it an Insurrection, and all hell will break loose. Best be prepared for survival… and get accustomed to considering anyone in a uniform of any sort, as a potential threat to your very existence, much less your erstwhile Liberty.
That is surely as pointless as voting, Troy. Remember, that is what ignited the last war in our land. The government will once again consider any such legalistic efforts just another form of insurrection, and rapidly deploy the troops, if necessary, to squelch it. Civil War is hell, and ‘Reconstruction’ would be downright intolerable. Outright anarchy, rejecting all forms of authority, would be infinitely preferable. 😉
I already have let it go, and I have been thinking about its replacement – a lot. Actually, I have been consuming books and articles on Anarcho-capitalism with a passion of late. If we change the general focus of this blog, to discussing how best to organize society in America, after the collapse of the present Federation, would you participate more than you have been of late? I am certainly up for it, if you are. â—„Daveâ–º
Assuming I survive next week’s trip to Belgium and the Netherlands, I would love to. I have already devoted a lot of thought to the subject.
Great! Have a safe trip. 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º
Good post, Troy. It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything I agree with to this extent.
Indeed Donald Trump has stripped “THE establishment†down to their corrupt skivvies.