Do YOU Fear Obama?
Naked truth doesn’t get any more hard hitting than JB Williams recent article in Canada Free Press. You absolutely must read the whole thing; but here are a few notable quotes:
Since the most powerful people in America fear the wrath of Obamanation, maybe you should too! They are indeed a dangerous bunch, after all…
Every member of the Supreme Court, every member of congress, every member of the Joint Chiefs, most members of the DOD, CIA, FBI, Secret Service and state run media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Fox and print news, knows that Barack Hussein Obama does NOT meet Article II – Section I constitutional requirements for the office he holds. By his own biography, there is NO way he can pass the test. The hard evidence is so far beyond overwhelming, it is ridiculous.
But not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand. Do you think there is no reason for this?
Choose your Battles
This is why all Obama supporters label all Obama opponents “racists.†In their limited imagination, they can’t fathom someone actually opposing his Marxist anti-American pro-Terrorist belief system and policies. In their minds, only “racists†would oppose a blatant Marxist rushing to destroy the most powerful nation on earth.
Don’t waste a minute trying to have a fact-based logical discussion with them. They do NOT care what the facts are and they have no foundation upon which to discern simple right and wrong. Though they use the term “fascist†all day long in an attempt to silence their opposition, they have no idea what the word actually means and they don’t care.
But rest easy, as they only account for some 25-28% of American voters and less than 20% of society. Too many, I agree, but fight the battles worth winning. Don’t waste your energy arguing with idiots who only seek access to your earnings. Their agenda trumps their understanding and respect for the truth…
Peaceful Options Evaporate
I want to be VERY clear. I do NOT desire or promote any form of violence or any armed insurrection of the sort recently used to depose an illegal dictator in Honduras. Despite the reality that America is facing an historic Constitutional Crisis with an illegal dictator of its own, violent methods for saving a nation and a way of life, are “last resort†measures only.
However, in my opinion, we are fast approaching the point of “no peaceful resolution†when only extreme measures will remain. As American patriots who still know and still care about the Constitution lose all peaceful options for redress and are forced deeper into a socio-economic corner, the human desire to be free which fuels the urge to resort to violence, will grow.
Violence will grow in both camps, in the absence of any other viable alternatives. Since Obama refuses to respect the Constitution or the law, and congress and the courts opt to turn their collective heads, only extreme options will soon remain. This administration is running roughshod over the people and the states and sooner or later, the backlash is coming.
One of two events will ignite the new battle for freedom in America.
Either Obama succeeds in fraudulently holding on to his power long enough to bankrupt the nation, or the people rise up and bankrupt the Fed before Obama can bankrupt every American.
Either way, the streets will burn!
Americans still hoping to avoid a confrontation with international leftists are hoping in vain. Whether Obama supporters tire of their false messiah’s lies and begin to take by force, that which Obama promised but could not deliver,—or true patriots rise up and put a stop to his rape and plundering of a great nation, leaving his supporters in worse condition than before his election, the near future looks the same.
Broad based economic strife, racial violence, government plunder or street gang plunder… no matter which way we go from here, the streets of America are going to burn. This has been a long time coming. There’s almost no chance of escaping it at this late hour.
International leftists did not spend billions and decades setting up the “silent coup†of the United States to simply walk away when busted. They went “all-in†in the last election. They were playing for keeps. They will not let go of their death grip on the United States without a blood bath…
Do YOU Fear Obama?
You should, because it’s clear that the most powerful people in this country do.
Half of the people you expect to stop this insanity are quiet co-conspirators in the silent coup. The other half is paralyzed by fear, motivated only by political self-preservation.
Americans keep asking what they can do because they see that none of their leaders are doing anything to stop the demise of their beloved country. It’s the right question, because those leaders are NOT going to stop this thing.
The End Game
The clock is ticking… Which bomb explodes first?
Obama and Co. are rushing to force Americans into a corner where they will not be able to afford to fight back. Patriots are rushing to fight back before Obama removes the ability to fight back.
No matter which clock ticks down first, this thing is going to blow. There are patriots in this country who are prepared to fight and die for the Constitution and Freedom. But there are also many in this country who are equally ready to kill for Obama and his Marxist agenda. Neither side is going to walk away from the coming battle…
Freedom may be lost in America, but it won’t go down without a fight. Likewise, the left may be defeated, but they won’t walk away without a blood bath… They think they have the American people on their knees already. They won’t let up until forced to let up. They have made this very clear… If I post reader comments from this column, you will see what I see daily.
Marxists established control of academia, the press and the courts years before establishing filibuster-proof control of congress and unfettered control of the executive branch. Obama has appointed more unelected Czars in thirty days than the Soviet Union did in thirty years.
There is only ONE End Game…
Obama and Pelosi have removed any possibility for peaceful resolution. The courts are the forum for peaceful resolution and the courts are missing in action on the matter. Congress is the place for peaceful resolution, but the left is not seeking any form of resolution, nor will they even allow the opposition a voice.
When no peaceful option is allowed, what options remains?
The time to stand and be counted is coming. The left will take no prisoners. American patriots are running out of options and out of time to act.
Internal conflict is a foregone conclusion now. The stage has been set, the battle lines drawn, the forces assembled. It just hasn’t reached a level of unbridled violence yet. The only thing that is not certain is what kind of America emerges from the conflict on the backside of the coming violence.
Will the anti-American left outnumber and overpower the American patriots, or will American patriots and freedom prevail?
The answer to this question will soon be written in history. The rest has already been written…
I pray for my country, my fellow patriots, for freedom and liberty and for justice. The time has come again, for all good men to come to the aid of their nation. Freedom has never been free and the bill has come due again…
I pray that enough American patriots remain, ready to do what must be done.
But it’s all just my opinion, and today, I’d love to be wrong!
I sure wish he was. I wonder how much time we have left before the civil war between the ghetto infested cities and Flyover Country? â—„Daveâ–º

Wow…good read Dave. Powerful, and a bit frightening.
There’s part of me that thinks that even if the allegations of his lack of qualifications are true, I rather not see the carnage that would happen if they were to be made apparent to all. And I think that’s why a lot of people don’t even want to ask the question.
To all who love liberty, burying the truth is no solution.
Still re-loading…
Hello, I look at all your blogs, keep them coming.
Well put and totally correct. I would have never thought it would have come to this. I liked hiring people, making money, inventing things. But now its Lock and Load…..see you all on the front lines. Lets start with those Basterds at MSNBC and GE.