Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Sheeple Farming

This is very well done:

What would happen if everyone understood this? What would you do if you came to believe you didn’t need and/or want rulers controlling your life anymore? Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon The Myth Of A “Popular Vote”

The progressives learned long ago that any lie, no matter how egregious, can take on a patina of truth if – it is repeated long enough and often enough.

How many times have you heard, since the election, that Hillary “won the popular vote”?

What popular vote? There simply is no such thing. Yet, the progressive media continue to chant about it election after election. Why? Because they want to get rid of the Constitutional rule that the States elect the president and set up some form of national election.

Let me digress for a moment. What did Hillary actually win? Simple. She won the excess vote in several very large liberal states such as New York and California. What do I mean by “excess vote”. Simple again. The excess vote in any state is the number of votes in excess of the number required to win that states electoral vote.

What the crooked pundits fail to report to WTS is that, when the States established the federal government, by virtue of ratifying the Constitution, they delegated several of their inherent powers to said federal government in the name of a common defense and free trade between the States (among other things). One of the powers the States did not delegate to the federal government is the power to conduct elections. Ergo, there is no federal (or national) vote in these United States. That being the case, there can therefore be no national “popular vote”. End of statement. It is simply not possible without amending our Constitution.

Woe is us say the crooked pundits. This means we are not really a true democracy. How about that?? The Founders shunned the idea of a true democracy opting for a constitutional republic instead. Indeed, several of the founders compared true democracy to mob rule.

So, the fact that Hillary lost the election despite of winning the excess vote in a few ultra-liberal states proves only that our Constitution is working as intended by its creators. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon More Wolf Cries

I am loving the rare brave journalists, who are speaking up to call out their profession. This one even made Drudge. Kyle Smith is brutal in the New York Post: “Keep crying wolf about Trump, and no one will listen when there’s a real crisis.”

It’s contrary to the laws of nature for a tabloid writer to tell the gentry media not to go berserk. It’s like a cat telling his owner to stop coughing up hairballs or Iron Man asking Captain America to be less arrogant. Here at The Post, our mission statement does not include understatement. We provide journalistic Red Bull, not Sominex.

Nevertheless, a word of neighborly advice to our more genteel media friends, the ones who sit at the high table in their pristine white dinner jackets and ball gowns. You’ve been barfing all over yourselves for a week and a half, and it’s revolting to watch.

For your own sake, and that of the republic for which you allegedly work, wipe off your chins and regain your composure. I didn’t vote for him either, but Trump won. Pull yourselves together and deal with it, if you ever want to be taken seriously again.

What kind of president will Trump be? It’s a tad too early to say, isn’t it? The media are supposed to tell us what happened, not speculate on the future. But its incessant scaremongering, the utter lack of proportionality and the shameless use of double standards are an embarrassment, one that is demeaning the value of the institution. The press’ frantic need to keep the outrage meter dialed up to 11 at all times creates the risk that a desensitized populace will simply shrug off any genuine White House scandals that may lie in the future (or may not).  [Emphasis mine]

…and he is just getting wound up. 😀 Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Relax About Bannon

Five Years Ago:

Color me impressed. This is the Left’s “racist monster?” Who could watch this and believe that? One thing he damn sure isn’t is a sexist! He is the guy who made Sarah Palin’s film, praises the women leading the T-Party, and his daughter is a West Point graduate. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Crying Wolf

It will probably take a few more than ten minutes of your time to do it right; but as Scott Adams suggests:

Seriously. Stop what you are doing. Give this ten minutes. It’s more important that almost anything you were going to do today.

Then save the link for later sharing. Show it to all of your friends who think Trump is a racist monster. This ends it.

The only people who will think Trump is a racist going forward are people who haven’t read this article. If you find someone like that, send them the link. This piece is a brilliant service to the country. Breathtaking.   [Well-deserved emphasis mine.]

…if you have not yet read the article “You Are Still Crying Wolf” by Scott Alexander, you will want to go do so. Now! Yes, it is brilliant and breathtaking. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Now What?

I’ve taken a week to decompress. I have had an interesting reaction to the outcome of the election. On election night, I was nearly euphoric, as I bemusedly watched the stunned media, dealing with the mounting results. What had seemed so obviously predictable to me, had been more or less inconceivable to them. But after that night, the news coverage of the aftermath has been somewhat boring, and I am looking forward to focusing on other subjects.

From the beginning of his campaign, my dream mission for Trump was to create havoc, among the elites in the Incumbrepublocrat duopoly. Several months ago, I reckoned that he had already accomplished my assignment, by thrashing and marginalizing the GOPe, in the Primaries. Although as a budding anarchist, I had no real interest in him (or anyone else) becoming the next POTUS, I’ll admit that I did enjoy watching him vanquish the particularly insufferable (and patently ineligible) Canadian Born Citizen, Ted Cruz in the process. A job well done.

At that juncture, his winning the General was unimportant to me, as the Federal government itself has little relevance in my own life. Eventually, however, my sense of justice, combined with the flood of revelations documenting the nefarious activities of the Clinton Crime syndicate, instilled in me a compelling interest in Hillary’s defeat, so I kept cheering him on. Again Trump overachieved, and that in the end she couldn’t even make it to her own retirement party on election night, was particularly delicious. Was she too busy bawling, shrieking, boozing, or perhaps all three? Another job well done. 😉

Yet, a fair evaluation from my worldview, would suggest Trump’s political achievements so far, go well beyond these triumphs. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Stephan Rejoices

Who knew:

…he could sing when inspired? Not bad at all. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Cognitive Dissonance !


Huh? I had to play it three times before I believed my ears! Standby for flying pigs… this is going to be an interesting day!  😯 â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Closing Arguments

I hope this is playing often in swing States today:

I reckon it is pitch perfect. So did Dilbert. Scott Adams, the master of persuasion, virtually called it a masterpiece: Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Trump’s Champ


This speaks for itself.  ;-)  ◄Dave►


PostHeaderIcon Agenda Unmasked

In case you didn’t understand or believe the Progressive agenda for encouraging massive immigration:

…Obama has ripped the mask off. The word ‘unbelievable’ has literally become obsolete. There is simply no such thing left, in the world of partisan politics. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Can I Borrow Your Vomit Bag​?

Seems nobody else has the nerve (or has too much good sense?) to comment on the latest round of exposures, rumors, lies and even a few facts.

For my part, I just want this nightmare to be over. One of these sleazebags will win and the nation will lose. It is just that simple.

I have done my duty as a citizen and thrown away my vote on the Johnson/Weld ticket, knowing that they have no chance to win but wanting to put in my 2 cents worth regardless.

BTW, I have read several articles recently about HRC’s body odor problems. Some seem to think it is disease related but I am amused to see that her campaign manager (Podesta) says she simply does not bathe often enough. This is similar to claims from her college days. Given that Trump will say anything that comes to mind, I wonder why he has not mentioned it when they have been on stage together?

More and more I find myself wishing that the Obamanation would pull the plug on this whole circus and just crown himself pasha or whatever. At least a big airplane and plenty of golf courses to fly to seems to keep him happy. Costs a lot of $$ but still better than spending it on civil war. Plus, given the obvious deterioration of people succeeding to the White House, why not quit while we are behind rather than risk getting behinder (is that a real word?)

Try not to think about it.

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Hillary Wants War

This already has 2 million views; but it could always use a few more:


It is an absolute riot; but it is also spot on, devastating, thought-provoking, and rather persuasive. Especially for those uninterested in starting WWIII, and filling memorial graveyards with female draftees. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Moore on Trump

I presume everyone has seen this by now (H/T Chris):

…but it is worth saving for posterity. Whatever one may have thought of the oleaginous filmmaker, it is hard to argue with his impassioned and persuasive take on this election. I may have to somewhat modify my knee-jerk opinion of him. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Is Anything Real?

I just stumbled across this:

…which I had never encountered before. Needless to say, I was shocked and somewhat skeptical at first; but I had already been persuaded that Dr. Ted Noel is credible. When I noticed the date of publication, it surprised me that it wasn’t new, so I finally went to visit his website to see what else I might have missed. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Dilbert’s Grand Wager

Scott Adams at his best: “The Crook Versus the Monster

Thanks to timely assists from Wikileaks, Trump has successfully framed Hillary clinton as a crooked politician. Meanwhile, Clinton has successfully framed Trump as a dangerous monster. If the mainstream polls are accurate, voters prefer the crook to the monster. That makes sense because a crook might steal your wallet but the monster could kill you. As of today, Clinton has the superior persuasion strategy. Crook beats monster.

Reality isn’t a factor in this election, as per usual. If the truth mattered, voters might care that the Democratic primaries were rigged against Sanders. They might care that the Clinton Foundation looks like a pay-to-play scheme. They might care that the FBI gave Clinton a free pass. They might care that we know Clinton cheated in at least one debate by getting a question in advance. They might care that Clinton’s dirty-tricks people incited the violence at Trump rallies. They might care that Clinton’s “speaking fees” were curiously high. They might care about all of that. But they don’t, because a crook is still a safer choice than a monster.

This is a consistent theme of Adam’s blog, in which he endeavors mightily to help us understand how insignificant most of the scandals we obsess over, will be to the ultimate outcome of this election. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon What Do Electronic Games, Religion And Drugs Have In Common?

Simple. They are all common methods for attempting to avoid facing reality (and these are by no means the only ones).

And, attempting to avoid facing reality is epidemic in our society. The alternative would be to acknowledge reality then admit that most of us simply do not have a clue how to deal with it.

Watch the talking heads on TV – even on FOX – and realize how often the discussions are total nonsense and totally disconnected from reality. Same with the so-called “debates”. The candidates argue over drivel and nonsense when there are real issues begging to be addressed before this whole mess explodes on us.

And, “explodes” may well be the operative word. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Five Worthless Lives

*****Update 10/19/16: This clip turns out to be a HOAX. See Mark Dice’s expose of it in the comment section below. â—„Daveâ–º*****

No wonder so many of these savages are getting shot:

I’d happily shoot these five fools, and rid society of their utterly worthless lives, which shouldn’t matter a whit to any civilized American. Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Wikileaks vs Octopussy

As usual, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams’ blog this morning was persuasive: “Lie Detection and Scandals

When Clinton’s surrogates respond to questions about Wikileaks by saying the Russians are behind it, that’s an acknowledgment of guilt. Guilty people almost always question the source of the information first. Innocent people start with a clear denial, or sometimes confusion as to why the question is being asked.

He then makes a persuasive case for how and why Clinton’s apologists believe the Wikileaks are true. Later, he also suggests that they aren’t making much difference:


The Wikileaks emails are not having a huge impact because movies and books have taught us that even our most-respected politicians do favor-trading to get things done. And the emails that DO NOT come from Clinton are little more than underlings chattering. So far, Wikileaks is a big nothing.

I tend to agree with his analysis here; but the far more interesting critique comes when it is Trump’s turn: Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Snap Out Of It!

Thanks Chris:

This is a great example and explanation of why I don’t have time, to bother to turn on my TV anymore. Two of the intellectual stalwarts of the Alt-Right (or at least my interpretation of it), freely discussing current events at politically-incorrect depths Read the rest of this entry »

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