Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Ending Jihad

Most Americans were rather naïve regarding Jihad when we were blindsided by 9/11. Sure, we knew that Muslim Arabs hated Jewish Arabs to the point of irrational suicide bombers attacking Israel’s pizza parlors and such, but we had been taught to believe that conflict was essentially an ancient dispute over territory, which had essentially been going on since Moses led the first invasion of Palestine.

Yes, we would occasionally experience a terrorist attack in the region ourselves, and just assumed it was because we were allies and supporters of Israel. 9/11 changed everything in my mind. Not only was it a dastardly sneak attack on our homeland, I just couldn’t get my head around what could possibly motivate a score of well-educated Saudi Arabians (ostensibly our second-best ally in the region) to deliberately commit suicide, while flying four hijacked planes into our iconic buildings killing thousands of ‘innocent’ civilians. I remember immediately buying and reading Thomas Friedman’s “From Beirut to Jerusalem,” followed by “The Lexus and the Olive Tree,” to try to acquire a better understanding of Middle East politics and religion, and what their real grievance might be with us.

Like most red-blooded Jacksonian Americans, I was ready for some serious retribution against whoever was responsible, regardless of their motive. Our resident swaggering Texas cowboy in the White House, was more than willing to step up to the challenge, and initially won a lot of respect when he did. Yet, since it appeared that we were not attacked by another country; but by a shadowy international NGO of fundamentalist religious fanatics, who and where were they? Our smart bombs needed coordinates.

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PostHeaderIcon Thank You President Obama

So, a massive attack in California, apparently by peaceful Muslims. Thanks to Obama’s insight, I now understand why.

Here I was, thinking that some brain-washed folks, desperately clinging to ideas and traditions formed when many of our kind still lived in caves, were bent on killing any and all who dare try to enlighten the Muslims – or even just trying to enlighten themselves.

Now I understand that they are being driven wild by fear of global climate change – no religious connection whatever. WOW! That really explains everything. All I need to do now is turn off the AC, burn my F-350, get a horse to ride and all will be well again.

Meanwhile, back in the real world…

Doesn’t the 25th amendment to our Constitution allow for removal from office of a president who is clearly unfit to do the job? According to Bill O’Reilly, this almost happened to Reagan when he was actually doing a half-derriere job. The current guy, IMHO, is doing a “derriere free” job (unless you count his head as a derriere – or, being stuck in a derriere). It is truly amazing how much more damage can be done in “only” 14 months.

I know that we all pretty much agree that the USA is nearing its end. But that does not mean I cannot (or should not) protest every inch of the way toward that end.

Think about it. Then pour yourself a good dram of Scottish magic (I prefer Laphroaig), light up a good cigar, and read something that pleases your mind. At least this works for me.

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Did Europe Ask For It?

Here is a quick question that, I hope, will inspire more spirited exchanges.  The question is: did Europe ask for the troubles it is now having with Muslim imports?

My answer is a definite YES, just as we are eventually going to pay for our own foolishness in that area.  But Europe has far less excuse having already had years of conflict with and invasions by Muslims.  Of course, part of the European problem is that a number of European nations colonized Muslim nations then allowed the citizens of those colonized nations to automatically become citizens of the colonizing nations.  Another classic case of dumb being followed by dumber.

Rave on!


PostHeaderIcon The Real Tragedy Is That We Are Still Surprised

So, the totally predictable, indeed, the inevitable has happened yet again. This time in Paris. Next time ?? And we (or, at least our “leaders”) still try to act surprised.

The one terrorist captured alive now claims, not only to having been recruited by ISIS/ISIL but also to being a “Syrian refugee”. Who’d-a-thunk-it.

The latest proposal I am aware of is to allow 50,000 of these “refugees” into the USA. Now, let us be optimistic and suppose that only 1% of these “refugees” is actually an ISIS/ISIL convert bent on destruction. That would mean the intentional importation of 500 terrorists into our country. Now, consider the mayhem that 8 such just caused in Paris then multiply that by 60 and you begin to get some idea of the Obamanation’s latest proposed “gift” to America.

I realize that this monster’s term is supposedly coming to an end. Yet, seeing the amount of damage that can be done in a single day, then compounding that by the 600 or so days he has left in office, and…

He needs to be stopped immediately! We sent a GOP majority to the Congress to do just that. Now, let us demand that they get to it NOW or risk being replaced in the coming election. We have gotten rid of Boehner, which is a step in the right direction – but only a step, not a journey.

Think about it. Then please start a campaign to bombard your congressmen and senators with your demands for action.

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Do You Believe It Yet?

Some months ago, I opined in this forum that our president may well be a traitor. I offered several bits of evidence in support of this notion. Few of you responded, suggesting to me that the idea was not really taken seriously.

Now, this same president is closing a “deal” with the world’s primary supporter of Islamic terrorism that would guarantee that they obtain nuclear weapons along with intercontinental ballistic missile systems capable to delivering said nuclear weapons anywhere on Earth – including to your and my backyards.

What does the USA get out of this “deal” (other than a probable nuclear attack)? Nothing beneficial.

Even during the “negotiations” that led to this “deal”, Iran’s leaders loudly proclaimed their intent to “remove Israel from the face of the Earth”. They continued to refer to the United States as “the great Satan” and promised our eventual demise as well.

How can any sane person interpret this “deal” as anything other than treachery of the highest order. Indeed, a form of treachery that can only be called traitorous.

And, there are aspects of this “deal” that are beyond my admittedly limited comprehension. President Obama is no mystery. He is acting as nothing more or less than what he has been groomed to be, almost from birth (wherever that may have occurred). In other words, he was raised to despise this country and everything it has ever stood for. OK, I get that.

What I don’t get is the Secretary of State and those 40+ Democrat Senators who are openly willing to help this disastrous “deal” go through. Surely they cannot all be traitors. If not, then what are they? Are they so stupid and short-sighted that they cannot see where this is bound to lead? Do they simply not care? Are they so corrupt and self-centered that they put their short-term hold on power above the longer term consequences to the nation?

Or (and this is my personal theory), are they afraid? That is, afraid not to support Obama no matter what he does. If so, whence does this fear originate? Even though it must seem that I have an opinion about any and every thing, I admit to be totally in the dark here.

Folks, this is not a joke. Obama is about to release $150 BILLION dollars to the Iranians that, even supporters of the “deal” admit will be spent furthering the cause of Islamic terrorism. At the expense of the United States and its supposed allies. In addition, and as alluded to above, WE are virtually guaranteeing that Iran will become a deadly threat to the entire world in a very short time. Indeed, even other Muslim nations fear this “deal”. Yet, a number of powerful people in Washington DC claim to believe it is to path to world peace.

What can be seen here is horrible. Yet, what remains unseen is, no doubt, far more horrible.

Why are we-the-sheeple not marching on Washington DC with ropes and pitchforks?

I once thought Obama aspired to be dictator of the United States. I now realize that he will be content merely to destroy it.

Think about it. Then cringe.

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Fascinating Interview

Not that it matters much anymore…



… but, that these two guys were reciprocal best men at their weddings was news to me. That is a lot tighter than just having an obscure genuine “Black Muslim” half-brother on another continent. I suspect that Joel’s evidence that Frank Marshal Davis was most likely Barack’s real father may have come as a surprise and shock to both of them. The way Malik and the rest of his supposed Kenya family was simply discarded when no longer potentially useful, and probably more of an embarrassment, rather reminds me of what happened to Rev. Wright. â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Beyond Belief

Many of us have known for years that the Clinton family (mob) is totally and completely corrupt – in every sense of that word. And they have been since Bill was first learning his “craft” in Arkansas. Ergo, the “news” that the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a front for influence peddling, and for the extreme personal enrichment of the Clinton family, is no surprise.

(According to a report broadcast on the Limbaugh program, only 15% of the money taken in by the Clinton Foundation actually goes to some legitimate charitable purpose. The other 85% goes to “expenses”, about 50% of which are unspecified. Can there be any relationship between these “unspecified” foundation expenses and the fact that the Clinton family fortune has increased somewhere in the neighborhood of ¼ BILLION dollars since Bill left the presidency?)

The part of this disgusting story that strains my credulity is this: despite anything Bill or Hillary may do, about 40% of the American people continue to both love and support them. I honestly believe that were Hillary to pour gasoline on a truck load of live babies then set it afire on live television, that 40% would still hold firm in their support, somehow being made to believe that the energy companies, the truck companies and the manufacturers of matches were the real villains.

I have made no secret, in this space in particular, that I think the so-called “dumbing down” of America has worked beyond any progressive’s wildest dreams. Still, the current outrages must be obvious even to most household pets – possibly excluding goldfish. How could any mentally healthy human being be brought to accept what is so obvious to even the causal observer?

It has gotten so bad that even many in the Lame-Stream-Media are starting to speak out!

Still, Hillary not only remains a viable candidate for president, she is statistically tied with – or leading her probable GOP opponents.

We are currently led by an obvious traitor and pseudo-dictator who may well be replaced by the most corrupt individual in our political history. What hope can the republic have?

Speaking of the current traitor/pseudo-dictator… are any of the rest of you sick and tired of hearing reporters, even on Fox News, constantly express puzzlement with the president’s actions (or lack thereof) in regard to ISIS/ISIL the jihad and Muslim terrorism in general? All one need do is ask the obvious question – might he be supporting the other side? IMHO, the simple answer to this question makes everything suddenly fall into place. I suspect many in the media know this but are too terrified of the possible consequences to say so.

My generation, in particular, should hang our collective heads in shame over what we have allowed to happen. What were we thinking of? Oh, I remember… We were thinking of ourselves, our enjoyment, our possessions, with no thought left for the demands of continued liberty in a vibrant republic. We somehow thought it would all just go on forever with no effort required on our part. After all, was that not our birthright? Anyway, who actually cares what a bunch of rich old white guys did or said nearly 250 years ago. What possible significance could that have for us today?

We are already in the process of finding out, although the harder blows are yet to be felt.

Troy L Robinson

PostHeaderIcon Islamic Hate Speech

It seems like half of the PC arguments these days are over what we should or should not say in regards to uncivilized violence by angry young men screaming “Allahu Akbar.” Whether the Jihadi interpretation of the holy writs of their Islamic religion is correct or not, seems rather immaterial to me. They proudly claim they are acting as righteous martyrs on behalf of their god, as directed by their revered prophet Mohammed. Having done a bit of study of the Qur’an and Hadith, I am inclined to accept that they fervently believe that.

I have encountered countless Christians who believe their Holy Bible is the unerring literal word of their God. That modern enlightened Christians can accept that Earth is exceedingly more than ~6,000-years-old, and that “Creation” didn’t quite go down precisely as written, doesn’t change the fact that untold millions still think the fable is unassailable history. Which of the two camps would have the better claim of authority to proclaim the other is ‘misinterpreting’ Genesis? Now, ask the same of the Muslim Jihadis vs. the so-called ‘Islam is the Religion of Peace’ moderates.

CAIR has just condemned as “Hate Rhetoric” an American politician referring to ISIS as “Islamic Savages” on Twitter, and is demanding an apology. What exactly are we supposed to call barbarians shouting “Allahu Akbar” while decapitating a bound non-combatant prisoner, or immolating alive a helplessly caged POW? How about these rather militant Muslims, who prefer shooting their bound civilian captives:


…are they just misinformed about their glorious religion of peace? How unfortunate for the Infidels they encounter. Savage is too kind a word for these barbarous Islamic marauders. It is often preceded by ‘noble,’ as in ‘noble savage,’ and however they delude themselves, or are cheered on by their coreligionists, there is nothing in the slightest noble about these despicable miscreants.

The term ‘Hate Speech’ has always been curious to me. I think of ‘hate’ as more or less the opposite of ‘love,’ yet intertwined by a close connection of some sort. Generally, one can only conjure the emotion of hate for someone one first loved, or at least knew and cared for in some way. If someone says, “I hate you!” it can only hurt if one somehow values their opinion, and wished otherwise. One can easily be prejudiced against a group or individual, with or without just cause, without hating them. It is perfectly reasonable and rational, to ‘profile’ others and decide one is entirely indifferent to what they may think, and conclude that one has no interest in interacting with them in any way, for whatever reason.

Those considering this view bigoted, are precisely those PC busybodies who rant against ‘Hate Speech.’ I am as indifferent to their condemnation as I am to the outspoken defenders of Islam. Why should I care what they think, when they are so incompetent at it? I could care less what Muslims do to each other in their Middle East sandbox, and frankly I am weary of expending American blood and treasure trying to ‘save’ them from their irrational sectarian squabbles. We should ship them all the guns and ammunition they want, and get out of their way so they can efficiently kill each other, while we are busy turning shale into oil, fracking, building pipelines, and drilling in ANWAR.

I have no reason to hate them; but I damn sure despise Jihadists and their primitive religion. As a Natural Born American, it is my unalienable right to say so, PC be damned. Meanwhile, those Muslims wishing to immigrate here need to understand that we have our own culture, which we like just fine, and a constitutional secular government that is, and forever will be, alien to Sharia law. We don’t intend to change either to accommodate your religious preferences. Assimilate or go find a better country. This one is taken. â—„Daveâ–º

PostHeaderIcon Islam – Straight, Fearless, & Frank

Troy has suggested we engage in a discussion of Islam. To set the tone, I suggest we take the lead from our old friend Pat Condell:



It doesn’t get much straighter, fearless, & frank than that…  â—„Daveâ–º

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