PostHeaderIcon Perhaps We Protest Too Much?

There are many, including me, who are very worried about the current drift of our Republic and who express that worry aloud, hoping to spur others into action while action is still possible. We truly mean well but I am now not so sure we have done well.

For my own part, I have tried to peer as far into the future as I can, with an eye as to where I think this is all leading. In doing so, I fear that I, and others like me, may have done a disservice despite our good intentions.

What an I talking about? Simply this. Despite our obvious (to me) deterioration as a self-governing Republic, the fact remains that we are still among the freest people ever to inhabit this planet. For instance, we are having a discussion, of sorts, about Assassination Politics, in an open and public forum without the slightest fear that there will come that knock at the door in the middle of the night with some frightening character saying “come with me”.

Does this sound far out? Well, it does only to those who are ignorant of both history and current events. The fact is that there are relatively few places on this Earth where we could get by with the conversations we have here. Not just AP but me, calling the former President of the Republic (and several of his minions) “traitors”. And, we sign our missives with our own names without fear of anything worse than disagreement within the forum. Whether our ideas are true or not is not the issue – it is the fact that we can offer them without any fear of physical retribution that counts.

I think it is healthy to publicly discuss our errors, to try to learn from them and maybe even seek ways to improve. But, in doing so, we should not lose sight of what we still have. If I have contributed to such loss of sight, then I am truly sorry because that was never my intent.

The fact is, I think this Republic is still worth saving and, indeed, can be saved. We might even have a President who agrees and is trying, in his way, to do just that.

Think (not feel) about it.

Troy L Robinson

4 Responses to “Perhaps We Protest Too Much?”

  • jim says:

    You said:
    “For instance, we are having a discussion, of sorts, about Assassination Politics, in an open and public forum without the slightest fear that there will come that knock at the door in the middle of the night with some frightening character saying “come with me”.

    Sure about that? I published the first part of AP in, maybe, February 1995. While I didn’t learn these details until the spring of 2000, the Federal Government had hired the high-school teacher who lived next door, at 7302 Corregidor, to work at their Pacific Northwest National Laboritories in Richland Washington. Then, they had a private small building company, Sundown Development Construction, buy that house and set up a spy operation there to spy on me. Daniel J. Saban was and is the owner.

    Now, remember, they did this simply on the strength of the first part of my AP essay, not due to anything else.

    • Troy says:

      Yet nobody took you to some gulag or physically harmed you in any way. Nor did it stop you from continuing to promote your idea.


  • jim says:

    Yet again, you got things wrong! I was put in Federal prison for a total of 13 years. On November 25, 1997, a fellow prisoner named Ryan Thomas Lund attacked me, on orders of his Federal handlers. The purpose of this attack was to force me to accept a phony plea agreement.

    Why do you keep making things up:

    “Yet nobody took you to some gulag or physically harmed you in any way. Nor did it stop you from continuing to promote your idea”.

  • John Haworth says:

    Troy, where are you now?

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