PostHeaderIcon A Gnawing Problem

I have long been disturbed by a growing problem in our Republic that I am yet unable to describe clearly. Despite this, I will try:

A growing number of progressives, aided and abetted by the lame-stream-media, are now openly admitting that they are trying every trick in the book to unseat a duly elected President who, despite an ongoing farce of a special counsel, has no evidence against him of any manner of impeachable offense. Indeed, this President (whom I did not support and did not vote for) seems to be doing a reasonable job of “making America great again”. For sure, I could use more swamp draining and less half-cocked tweeting but, I guess you take the best you can get in lieu of the impossibility of perfection. At least the economy is growing, ISIS is shrinking and the rest of the world is beginning to take us seriously again.

To my tired old brain, what is going on looks like nothing less than a concerted attempt to bring down a duly constituted government. My quandary is that I am unable to interpret this as anything less than a form of high treason. For sure, our Constitution prohibits the overthrow of our government “by violence” and one might argue that the progressive traitors, with the possible exception of Antifa, have not yet resorted to outright violence. Or have they? An age old adage holds that “the pen is mightier than the sword”. Since we all recognize the sword as a potential instrument of violence, does this old adage not suggest that the pen (read the “media”) is an even more potentially violent instrument? Current events sure indicate to me that it can.

The real gnawing question then is this… why are the majority of Americans, who are most surely NOT progressive traitors, willing to sit quietly by (well – except for Tucker Carlson) and let these traitors do as they wish to destroy our Republic? Arms sales have been at all time highs for several years now so it is not as if we are not armed. What is it then that we lack? Could it be as simple as the lack of some credible voice to tell us that (to paraphrase Dave), it is time to start shooting the bastards?

As much as I abhor the notion of another civil war, that is much better than a quiet surrender. Are American patriots of the 21st century fated to be like the Jews of Europe in the 1930’s, apparently willing to be herded then slaughtered like so many sheep?

If we allow this President to forced from office, ultimately to be replaced by another traitor like the Obamanation (yes, he repeatedly and openly gave aid and comfort to radical Islamists, a declared enemy of this Republic), then it is all over but the rounding up, etc.

I am currently reading (and enjoying) Brian Kilmeade’s book Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans. What a different people we were then! And could be again with so little effort.

Wake up America and do your duty to your Constitution and your Republic!

Troy L Robinson

16 Responses to “A Gnawing Problem”

  • Chris says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here Troy and say that your concerns are very soon going to see some relief. Things are nearly primed to blow and as ugly as it’s going to be relief is on the way. No blood involved. Just a very loud flushing sound.

    • Troy says:

      Sounds encouraging but, might you elaborate more?


    • Chris says:

      To elaborate would take thirty pages there’s so much. I’ll just leave it as everything that has been going on. Every investigation. Every leak. Everything is being investigated in parallel. It’s all going to backfire badly and the dems know it. That’s why the squealing has risen to a fever pitch. There’s a lot of scared people out there. They have dogged Trump for a year now. He’s not going to let them off the hook. The 50% (my own guestimate) in congress that still have some integrity aren’t going to let them off the hook. Most of all the people are not going to let them off the hook. I’m looking at two weeks out then the whole congress will be briefed on everything taking it out of the hands of just the committees where the swamp dwellers live. After that it won’t be long before it all goes public. The “deep state” and/or “swamp” won’t win this one.

  • A growing number of progressives, aided and abetted by the lame-stream-media…

    You make it sound as if they were two separate entities. They are not.

    Indeed, this President (whom I did not support and did not vote for)…

    This would be all the more impressive had you not supported or voted for any would-be ruler/leader.

    I could use more swamp draining and less half-cocked tweeting…

    A case could be made that it is the tweeting that is most effective against the swamp. In any case, I would suggest that it is far less thoughtless and impetuous than most suppose. It is probably the most effective thing he does. Certainly the most entertaining. 🙂

    I am unable to interpret this as anything less than a form of high treason.

    One can only commit treason against a government one accepts as legitimate, and to which one is willing to swear allegiance. Personally, as a sovereign individual, it wouldn’t much matter whether Trump or Opra claimed its throne, I would not willingly submit to either’s authority. That would make me rebellious, not treasonous.

    …why are the majority of Americans… willing to sit quietly by… and let these traitors do as they wish to destroy our Republic?

    Most Americans are not very interested in political intrigue. They have been thoroughly brainwashed to believe they are subjects of a democracy, and duty bound to accept the will of the majority of thoughtless sheeple who vote. They are too busy living their lives of quiet desperation, to entertain thoughts of revolution over Federal policy issues, which seem to have little to do with them.

    Could it be as simple as the lack of some credible voice…

    Whose voice would you listen to and be willing to follow? I can’t think of one; but then I don’t do ‘leaders.’ I think that if they start trying to disarm and/or round people up, the government would have a serious fight on its hands. Until then, however, a hell of a lot of us have given up caring a whit what the politicos and bureaucrats in Sadam by the Potomac think, do, or tweet. One would have to actually care, before it would be worth initiating a revolution over.

    I am currently reading (and enjoying) Brian Kilmeade’s book Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans.

    Agreed. I was enjoying it a lot, until half way through I got distracted by other books. Thanks for the reminder that I need to finish it.

    What a different people we were then! And could be again with so little effort.

    Being re-invaded by the Redcoats was very different to current political intrigue in DC. Let a foreign power land an army on these shores, and the American flag waving would make the 9/11 response seem mild. And, yes, the squirrel guns would be limbered up, too.

    Wake up America and do your duty to your Constitution and your Republic!

    How? Are you suggesting that it is time to shoot at government officials, or just Progressives? How are we to tell them apart? Neither conveniently wears red uniforms. â—„Daveâ–º

    • Troy says:

      How? Are you suggesting that it is time to shoot at government officials, or just Progressives? How are we to tell them apart? Neither conveniently wears red uniforms.

      Well, a a pope said during the crusades, “kill them all and let God sort them out”. However, lacking a God, I have shortened it to simply “kill them all”.

      Just back from the People’s Republic of Austin and I know for sure there are just too many of us — we could use a lot of culling.


      • I know for sure there are just too many of us — we could use a lot of culling.

        While this is undoubtedly true, who would you trust to establish the criteria regarding which citizens ought to be culled? I reckon any ideologue ought to be considered disqualified for the job. Personally, were I given the task, I would put anyone daring to suggest a government is needed to rule and regulate individual, non-coercive behavior at the very top of said cull list. 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º

        • Troy says:

          Let’s just be true rednecks and kill anyone who doesn’t look like us —
          Or, anyone living in Austin, TX —
          Or, anyone but Dave and my daughter’s family living in CA —
          Or, anyone who even might be Muslim —
          Or, heck, let’s just kill all “believers” —
          Or, (my favorite) just get them all to leave me the hell alone and I promise to do the same in return (just can’t escape that Libertarian thing).


          • The residents of Austin have no more negative impact on my life than those of Bagdad, Moscow, or Beijing. For that matter, neither do 99% of those living in California. For all my hermit-like qualities, I shouldn’t think my quality of life would be tolerable, with my nearest neighbor being your daughter two hundred miles to the north.

            I am a bit long in the tooth to try reverting to the hunter – gatherer mode of existence. I wish to continue to be spoiled by others providing me reliable electricity and internet service, not to mention grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations.

            That said, your suggestion regarding “believers” has merit! 😉

            Of course, the quickest way to get others to leave one alone, would be to stop supporting governments that pester them. While there are certainly way too many busybodies intent on regulating the behavior of others, I reckon that most careless voters do so in self-defense. Brainwashed into assuming that governments are inevitable and even necessary, they waste much of their lives trying to insure that it remains less harmful to themselves, than their ideological foes. At least, I sure did so… 🙁 â—„Daveâ–º

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